Edinburgh Sabbatical
Yes, she definitely has a "closet".. It's one of the reasons I have to go back - to get all her doggie things in Switzerland and Paris. :D The things we do!
Edinburgh was absolutely angry the past few days!! Fortunately the property has a large backyard with tree coverage for those days that are wet.
I will certainly be taking photographs in Edinburgh with Lycia, they should provide quite the dramatic backdrop.
Lauren, how exciting. I bet you can't wait. We missed you on here, but I understand why you have been laying low..
Good luck on the pick up and take lots of pictures. -
Leaving in a matter of hours to start my journey to Europe, and Amsterdam to see Lycia!!! So excited I could just burst. :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bet you are excited…been a long time, she will be thrilled to see her Mom....
Great news Lauren - good to have another Basenji in Scotland!
oh yes! How do ppl feel about the weekend of the 1st or the 8th ?
The weekend of the 8th would suit me the best as I am helping my parents move house the weekend of the 1st.
I think somewhere round Perth or Stirling would be best. Not sure where though as I still live 2 hours away. Maybe Basi could suggest somewhere that might be B proof?
I'll have a think but not really anywhere round Perth that I have found to be B proof:rolleyes:
I'll need to pass on this meet as must help the parents move:(
I was going to suggest the 15th, since the 1st and the 8th are dicey… ?
That would be better for me:D see what Benkura says!!
Hi Guys
Sorry for late response. It's manic at work.
I'm free during the day on 15th. Douglas says there's a nice park in Stirling. I don't know it and I'm sure it will be a flexi-lead type of place but I don't think we'll find anywhere completely B proof.
Let me know what you plan and I can be there. :)