American Idol
wrote on 31 Jan 2007, 21:24 last edited by
OMG! I was rolling over the big bird chick! I love that she said that she was 33 and then after the asked her really she said that she was 50 or something LOL!
I think the auditions are the best part of the show.
wrote on 1 Feb 2007, 02:18 last edited by
i am a confessed AI addict! i even call and vote. I <3 taylor. my sister still lives in alabama and she got to watch 3 hours before me, so she would call me and let me know what was going to happen. the night of the finale she called, i said, "dont tell me!" it sucked, i knew taylor had won, just because she sounded happy.
wrote on 1 Feb 2007, 03:27 last edited by
i wasn't originally til last year, see i work for cingular and we are the sponser so naturually i had to find out what was going on so i watched it last year and now i'm hooked. HAHAHA
wrote on 7 Feb 2007, 12:43 last edited by
anyone think the other door thing was as funny as I did? I was laughing so hard..
wrote on 7 Feb 2007, 15:48 last edited by
I liked that last guy that auditioned in San Antonia last night. Really good.
wrote on 7 Feb 2007, 18:05 last edited by
The door thing was friggin HYSTERICAL…I was ROFL!!
I also liked the guy who admittingly told the judges that he was going to "trash talk for the cameras" LOL LOL That was too funny!!!
wrote on 7 Feb 2007, 19:48 last edited by
lenora, i loved the last guy too. i love that song, cupid! tonight should be hilarious!
wrote on 7 Feb 2007, 20:37 last edited by
I LOVED the "trash-talker" but even funnier was the expression on his cousin's face as he went in!
The door has been a giggle-getter for me all season. Last night was such a hilarious compilation, esp. when Paula and Simon grabbed the wrong door, too.
I am so looking forward to tonight. I love the Best of the Worst moments.
wrote on 23 May 2007, 02:04 last edited by
Did anyone see American Idol tonight? The last singing competition is between Blake and Jordan. I think that Jordan nailed it tonight.
wrote on 23 May 2007, 02:34 last edited by
Um. Those of us on the West Coast haven't seen it yet. It's not on for another half hour here.
doesn't matter much tonight, but please try to remember that for tomorrow!! We're three hours behind East Coast. And if we have any Hawaiians or Alaskans, they're even farther behind.
wrote on 23 May 2007, 03:07 last edited by
Um. Those of us on the West Coast haven't seen it yet. It's not on for another half hour here.
doesn't matter much tonight, but please try to remember that for tomorrow!! We're three hours behind East Coast. And if we have any Hawaiians or Alaskans, they're even farther behind.
That is the one thing I dislike about living here… it is like we are 2nd class citizens... ggg... unless you have a dish....
wrote on 23 May 2007, 04:53 last edited by
We have a dish, but we don't subscribe to East coast networks.
Anyway, I thought both performers were mediocre tonight.
For me, since Melinda is gone, it's a draw and I don't have a favorite.I don't think this season in general had the caliber of talent as previous seasons.
wrote on 23 May 2007, 13:01 last edited by
Anyway, I thought both performers were mediocre tonight.
For me, since Melinda is gone, it's a draw and I don't have a favorite.Same here. However, between the two left, I think Blake is a better performer, and Jordan has a beautiful voice. I have no preference between the two as a winner either. I'll be surprised with the outcome anyway and won't pipe in the winner before PST. (btw - I thought the show was "live" everywhere so the votes could begin at the same time?!?)
wrote on 23 May 2007, 13:15 last edited by
That's funny! I thought the show was live too..good thing someone said something :)
I too was disappointed when Melinda left…I think she was the AI winner a long time ago.
But I'm really torn between Blake & Jordin (she spells her name with an I) I really like Blake's style but Jordin's voice is really beautiful.
wrote on 23 May 2007, 13:28 last edited by
That's funny! I thought the show was live too..good thing someone said something :)
I too was disappointed when Melinda left…I think she was the AI winner a long time ago.
But I'm really torn between Blake & Jordin (she spells her name with an I) I really like Blake's style but Jordin's voice is really beautiful.
it is live for the East Coast ;) That was one of the strangest things for me moving east from Seattle. Football doesn't start until like 1pm here on Sundays!
And on election years…it is so wierd to have to wait, and wait for polls to be closed on the west coast.
I wouldn't complain tooo much about being second class is the price you pay for living in the world's most perfect climate, and beautiful scenery ;)