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Otis just nipped my son…

Behavioral Issues
  • @lvoss:

    The thing that catches most owners off gaurd about resource gaurding is that the dog will be fine with so many things and in so many situations until "all of sudden" they aren't because for whatever reason that thing at that time was in their mind worth gaurding. It works until they care more about having that thing.

    I definitely agree with the "all of a sudden" type nature of resource guarding. Nemo has some guarding tendancies against other dogs now which I really didn't see much signs of early on. You don't always know what they consider "high value". Nemo went berserk on my beagle years ago over a dropped peanut. He would be fine with cooked chicken and lots of other things that you would think would be high value. It wasn't a behavior that escalated obviously over time, it just happened. But regardless now I watch them carefully and separate him and Zoni when they eat and even when we give them treats that could potentially cause an issue. And now I know what to look for. I definitely agree about the Language of Dogs DVD. Brenda Aloff's book is nice too.

  • just a update.

    We went to the behavorist today and it went well. Otis didn't like going and kept on making very bark like funny..eventually we figured out he was seeing himself in a window reflection.
    We are starting with feeding them in one area only as supposed to inside if it cold or outside if it is nice..She said we could feed in crates if we want to but make it one set place.
    We are also starting in having them go to a specific spot, like their beds when we eat, no need to lock them up in crates just yet, she wants to see how he behaves if given this command, Moses will get the same treatment, and we are retaking obedience, even though Otis knows it well and follows through on most commands, a few he is not so good at, like come for instance, and she wants him to he very good at them so it gets to the point where we don't have to intervene, he simply knows not to touch certain items or come around the table when food is out or what have you.
    She is very confident that we have gotten this early and that he should learn rather easily/quickly, so we'll see what happens.
    I have also signed Moses up for ob class (again) so they are both on the same page and so are we, my hubby and I.
    I know this won't be easy by no means, but feel confident that we are heading in the right direction..will keep you posted on how it goes..
    Again, thanks for all your help, ideas, and insight..I love being part of this forum..

  • Very good job Petra! Consistency is the key. Keep us updated on how it's going.

  • so much of things retraining the humans to new behaviors. i find myself sometimes backsliding on what i'm suposed to do.

    glad to read things are looking up.

  • Great news Petra….. I am sure you will be able to resolve the issues...

  • It all seems very positive and hopefully you'll solve the problems with such good help.

  • We are still struggling with Otis and his unpredictable resource guarding, the other day he bit a friend of ours, more or less our dogsitter, so Otis knows him really well..
    Otis and Moses got into it over something, don't even know what, and James tried to break it up, and got bit bad on his hand and fingers, the teeth even bit through two of his fingernails..either way, James knew not to try to break it up but his emotions took over and he did the wrong thing..he isn't mad/upset or anything but I am getting scared for our safety and more so for my kids safety.
    Otis is scheduled for neutering party tomorrow morning..;) so I hope this will help as I am running out of options and more importantly time..not that I don't have time, but I am not willing to let this go on in our home much longer..
    What should I do? Do you think neutering will help? What are my options if it doesn't?
    He is doing better on the feeding and agression during those times, much better actually, but now it seems he is resourcing other things, like some toys, either the dogs toys or one that he got from the kids rooms..or shoes, now all of a sudden he is resource guarding he reaching out to other things as he is now longer in control over the feeding tantrums he had?

    Either way I am distraught and very saddened, I feel helpless..
    Thanks guys

  • Is there a reason he is not neutered? Have you had a complete thyroid test done, not just a t4?

  • I wanted to wait until he passed a he is 14 months. I have not done any thyroid, due to his young age.

  • Would not hurt to have the thyroid checked. And with having him neutered tomorrow, he should have a full blood panel before hand.

    Have you talked to the behaviorist with these latest developments? Has the behavorist been to the house? A good behaviorist needs to see the home and what is happening in the home to really make the right assessment.

    My take as an outsider is that Otis is a "want a be" and is going to continue to challenge your Pongo male, as it seems he has zero'ed in on him. And if neutering helps, you will NOT see and immediate change as it takes a couple of months for the hormones to settle down….

    Hind sight being 20/20... it might have been better to have him neutered before you brought home another male

  • I was wondering the same thing as Pat, what has the behaviorist said about this escalation? and has the behaviorist done a consult in your home?

    Neutering may help but it really depends on the dog.

  • Sorry to hear it is escalating. I too would be curious to hear what the behaviorist had to say about the new guarding of the kids shoes & toys (which seems really dangerous to me). And definitely have his thyroid checked - since they should be doing a full panel prior to surgery anyway. I think Pat might be onto something about him being a "wanna be" leader though - based on your description of how he behaves not only with Moses but with your other 2 dogs prior to Moses' arrival - particularly your other male dog.

    Hopefully the neutering helps - it can't hurt - but as Pat said, maybe should have been done sooner, when the whole behavior originally started. Moses is still intact, right - are you planning on neutering him as well? I wonder if one is left intact if the problem might still continue (would the threat would still be there to the wanna be leader) - I don't know, maybe someone with more experience might be able to say.

    Did you ever get the books Feisty Fido & How to be the Leader of the Pack - by Patricia McConnell? Those are both quick reads that have really great info about fighting and pack dynamics and control.

  • I have yet to get a hold of the behaviorist but of course am awaiting that she get back with me. What wpuld she be able to see in my home? I mean, she would have to live here to see his is sweet one minute/day and then not so sweet the next, new things seems to get him,going different days.
    He is especially sweet with people coming into our home, likeyesterday we had a realtor come and he sat by her side for over an hour and would just nudge her every so often for a pet, very unlike how he was months ago with strangers.

    Yes hindsight is so much better then my current sight, but now I am here and have to work with what I got.

    I will have the vet do a thyroid panel as well, could he already, this young, have issues?
    I know it can take a while for the hormones to level out after a neuter, but we are ready for that..I just hope it helps even if just a little and then the training even more so..
    Since Moses is part of foundations stock, neutering him is something we might do, but not yet, he has to grow up first and some of these grandes don't stop growing in height until they are two.

    Renault1 I did get "How to be a leader of the pac", but my life took over and I haven't started reading it yet..I will tonight though.

    My last resort would be finding him a home, a home where he is the only dog, but I am not ready for that way. Then again, who's to say he would be better in that environment?

    I hope I answered most queries, if not..let me know..I will keep you posted.
    Again, thanks for all your help.

  • A good behaviorist sees many things that the normal dog owner doesn't see. That is why typically they come to the home to observe the dogs. They don't always need to see something nasty happening to be able to figure out what is going on. I have never heard of taking a dog to a behaviorist, rather then they come to the home.

  • I just dropped him off and they are doing a full thyroid panel as well.
    Poor Otis was shaking, he did not like me leaving him there..

    I am pretty sure the one behaviorist we finally found only works from her environment. i.e you go to her, but I am not sure. She never asked/offered to come and see him in our home.
    I had a hard time finding a behaviorist in the area, most were just glorified trainers in my opinion, but maybe I am wrong. the one we did find said unless he listens to everything you say he isn't trained well, and I of course countered that with_.."he is a basenji, I am ok with him not being like a lab/golden or what have you in obedience"..she said "all dogs even basenjis can be trained and not to listen to all I hear on my forum"_
    He has his obedience down, very good actually, but maybe he needs more training.
    As far as two males..I have always only had male dogs and two have been together before either one of them were neutered..none were basenjis of course so maybe that is the difference.

  • As they say, it works till it doesn't. And just because it worked before, doesn't mean it will work now, especially if you have a "want a be" and I don't believe this really has anything to do with the breed of dog.

    While I am NOT a behavorist and I am sure that each work in their own way, I honestly never heard of one that doesn't come to the home? I don't see how they can assess the dog unless they see that dog in the home it lives in?

    Petra, are you in the Houston area? Looks to me like the ASPCA has behavorists at least according to their web site… but maybe someone like Andrea that does training can "pipe" in....

  • Just a note here Petra on the vet doing the thyroid panel. It's not a full panel like Dr Dodds does. You can have his blood drawn and they can send it to Dr Dodds here in CA. Please see these instructions.

  • Tanza..I was kind of surprised when we were there and she said..he seems really mellow now?..well yeah, he is at a strange place and odds are he will only lay down at my feet and try to sleep..what did you expect? They open in an hour and I will call as soon as they do, I did leave a message but …I haven't heard frm her yet.

    Dan, I will see if they can send it to her instead, it shouldn't matter to the vet, right?

  • @nobarkus:

    Just a note here Petra on the vet doing the thyroid panel. It's not a full panel like Dr Dodds does. You can have his blood drawn and they can send it to Dr Dodds here in CA. Please see these instructions.

    There are a number of labs that do the full panel, usually the office has the ones that they usually use, be to Hemopet or U of Mich, U of Davis, etc

  • On the behaviorist vs trainer thing, you may need to work with both. I think you would really benefit from someone willing to come to your home and see the environment that Otis lives in and the other dogs and people in the household. There may be factors that aren't apparent in an outside the home consult. Also, you should be seeing someone on fairly regular basis at first to make sure this problem is being resolved. If it is not getting better then there may be need to alter the course action but that requires that there are regular "check ins" with the person you are working with.

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