If you are unsure whether a particular thread content violates forum guidelines just email and we will take it from there.
To protect our forum members and ourselves we encourage rescue organizations and individuals to please send us a private message to before posting ANY donation solicitations, fundraiser ideas or any Basenji Forums community related commercial activity involving money collection.
Fundraising introduces unnecessary complexity and liability for Basenji Forums Staff, so we are very strict and sensitive about this subject regardless how long a particular member has been on the forum.
Too many people get scammed into donating for various non existing causes and money gets stolen from honest good meaning folks on the internet all the time. When that happens operators of internet resources that host the donation solicitation inadvertently become part of the legal proceedings by people who are upset about their money being stolen for facilitating the theft. We have no desire or disposable funds to participate in that.
We provide this resource free of charge to Basenji owners community. In return we ask our members to respect our rules and guidelines.
Thank you,
BF Staff