Ask the breeder how big the sire and dam are. That's a good idea. My first basenji, who was a champion, weighed nearly 26 pounds when she matured. My 2nd one would have been about that, but thanks to steroids, we did good to keep her at 30. My current rescue is a giant. We won't go there. I first dreamed of a SMALL dog, maybe 15 pounds tops after years of being a BIG DOG person (rottweilers and chows). I don't see that ever happening.
Our new baby is finally here!
Yesterday we picked up our little girl and she is quickly making herself at home. Her name is Sherwood's Late Harvest Napa Rain, but we just call her Dolce (pronounced Dole-Chay). Look forward to her proud papa posting lots of pics & vids here.
Thanks Robyn!!!!
Welcome to the forum Dolce! Love your cute white-less face! Congrats to the proud papa! Looking forward to all the pics!
She looks soooo sleepy in these photos hehe. That's good though for the old saying goes….a tired Basenji is a good Basenji.
Very cute indeed.
OMG, look at them Dumbo ears!!! Ahhh, what a sweetheart!!
Dolce is beautiful, looking foward to reading all about her antics