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Try not to go "Aawwwww".

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  • "Duty to support"

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    Perhaps I should be more clear…this is not about me, it's about work. We have this new form that we have to fill out that asks about "persons living in the household that YOU have a duty to support". you have a duty to support your 27 year old son? your nephew? Your girlfriends children? Legally, do you have a "duty to support" anyone other than minor children that are biologically yours? Living in the household, of course. BTW: I hate these new forms, it comes from the state and just goes to show how much they have no clue about local stuff.
  • What's going on here??

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    I keep Billy the Exterminator on speed dial just in case.
  • Going to the store and tying up your dog

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    In one of my previous apartments I used to frequent a particular, locally owned, quickie-type market. Occasionally, I would bring my dog. They had no problem with me bringing him into the store while I carried him. In fact, he became a bit of a celebrity because the clerks would point us out when we came in, saying "that's the dog I was telling you about, a basenji" to other customers. I had the experience of a bit of teaching about the breed. many were appreciative, some were just jerks because "they were 'real men' and they had to have a "real" dog" UUGGHH! So what's a "real dog'? Made me angry but it was a 'quickie-mart' - how angry could I get?
  • When breeds go out of style

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    Here in the states there are disclaimers on everything… I once saw a disclaimer on a ladder..."not to place it in dogpoop before stepping on it"..I mean come that really needed? But I guess it is..
  • Next Where's AJ…going?

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    AJs HumanA
    I've been trying to do that…it's not as easy to reach the distinctive landmarks with a semi as with other vehicles, including RV's. All the really cool places have signs up that say "No Trucks" and it really bums me out. I understand, though, because there are so many truck drivers who just throw their trash where ever they want instead of find a garbage can. And they pee on the ground rather than expend the extra energy to walk 75 feet into the bathroom. Trucker areas reek to an eye-watering level in hot areas because of this. But I do try to find distinctive landmarks when I can...the little lake in Minnesota, the rock formation in Colorado, coastal trees in North Carolina.... I will try to find more landmarks I can access.
  • Ugh, here we go again…..

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    @JazzysMom: Yes, she is choosing to be a part of the solution – but sometimes I wonder WHAT WAS I THINKING when I encouraged her to serve the community and help others. :rolleyes: You were thinking how can I be a good Mom and be supportive of my daughter, good for you for doing that. I know it is tough but know that she is doing what she loves and is helping others, if this is what she was meant to do then someone else's life is better because she is doing it and you are a great Mom for being supportive of her. Now, you can tell us how freaked you are though, we won't tell … :)