Where's AJ #12
wrote on 14 Dec 2009, 23:11 last edited by
I got a little off-lead romp today in a big open field…so much fun!
Okay, Clues:
Seven presidents were born in this state.
It is nick-named for a nut.
Is the home of America's first traffic light. (extra credit for naming the city)We are currently on the outskirts of a town named for our seventh president.
We are going to the city whose zoo has America's first insectarium, and has the first professional baseball team and first professional city fire department.
(In an aside, I am noticing AJ doesn't run as far as he used to when I let him off the lead. He sticks pretty close now and watches where I go. If I turn and walk the other way, he comes after me immediately. I'm not sure whether it's age or whether he's afraid of being left behind. He'll be seven on 3 January and I've never left him alone in a field.:confused:)
wrote on 15 Dec 2009, 03:26 last edited by
I got it…the state, anyway...thanks to Google.
wrote on 15 Dec 2009, 05:37 last edited by
Somewhere in Ohio?
wrote on 15 Dec 2009, 14:14 last edited by
I'm saying Ohio (the buckeye state); first insectarium was built in Cincinnati (who's that named after?); the seventh president was Andrew Jackson; but I can't name the seven presidents born in the state (Ulysses Grant and William McKinley are two), nor can I name the city with the first traffic light (so sad).
wrote on 17 Dec 2009, 04:29 last edited by
We were in Jackson, OH and going to Cincinnati. Cleveland is the city with the nation's first traffic light.
Tonight, we are enjoying the gorgeous clear night…bright stars glittering against a black sky. Tomorrow morning, we will be at elevation 5280ft.
wrote on 17 Dec 2009, 15:41 last edited by
Belinda, I am Columbus, OH. and my husband is a regional truck driver. I knew it was Jackson, OH! It was a clear night last night, but burrrr it was cold. My furkids didn't even want to go out on a potty break before bed last night.
wrote on 18 Dec 2009, 03:28 last edited by
Last night I was about 100 miles outside of Denver…wasn't really cold, but what a beautiful sky! We've moved again and will have more clues soon...look for us in ChitChat. :)
wrote on 18 Dec 2009, 09:22 last edited by
I like this topic.. too bad I don't ever know the state…