• Hi. I am 56 years old and live in the Western suburbs of Sydney. Up until now, I have had two basenjis in my life. The first was a beautiful brown and white bitch named Nymph and she was just that. I got her when she was 5 years old. I had her for about 8 years before she suffered a brain tumor. But during that time I found out how wonderful, mischievous, funny, cute, sneaky and an all round excellent animal they are. I now own a 3 1/2 year old boy who is called Mister Two Dicks. He is brown and white. I called him that because when I picked him up from the breeder, he had an extended hernia on his stomach, which looked like he had two dicks. When I had to register him with my local council, they didn't blink an eye and registered him in that name. I have had him for 2 years and his is a wonderful boy. However I have been thinking that he is missing out not being able to socialize with other dogs, so I have just arranged to adopt an 18 month old basenji bitch. Her name is Pepper. Again, she is brown and white. She arrives tomorrow. The household is so excited.

    Well, enough from me.

  • Welcome! Happy to meet you.

  • You sound like a hoot! The names are priceless.
    I'm welcoming you and your great sense of humor.

  • Houston

    Welcome to you all. I love their names, what a hoot..

    We love pictures…hint,hint..

  • Hi AJs Human, Vicki and Basenjimamma. Thank you for the welcome. A couple of years ago I was looking for a small dog to join me living in a townhouse complex. I was looking for something quiet, and happen to pass a local pet shop which was displaying these "barkless dogs". I thought that this would be the answer to my prayers. I contacted my owners corporation and sought permission to have a dog on site. They immediately refused saying that the dog would be a disruption to the peace and quiet of the complex. I took the matter to court and won. I have had basenjis for ten years with never a complaint. I know I am preaching to the converted, but they are such a wonderful breed. Mister Two Dicks (or Mister when my grandchildren are visiting) will play with me in the most roughest manner, however when my grandchildren are visiting, he is the most tenderest I have ever seen a dog.

    Take Care

  • @Basenjimamma:

    Welcome to you all. I love their names, what a hoot..

    We love pictures…hint,hint..

    How do I put photos on the site?

  • Houston

    I have issues in general when it comes to adding photos on here, why I don't know, and it seems nobody can tell me why( I have some sort of protection code or something fancy like that..).
    No biggie, I simply use photobucket (free account) upload my pics on there and copy and paste the image code into my posts.
    Works great and is very easy..

    I am still laughing about Mister Two Dicks name..we have a friend who had a dog for many years (15+), his name was Pita= Pain in the Ass..which I thought was brilliant…until I heard of Mister Two Dicks..

  • You have to resize them then, when you're posting a new thread, click on the little paperclip at the top of the text box. Browse for your photo, double click on it and then click on upload. Sometimes it takes a few minutes, depending on your connection speed.

    When resizing your photo, set it to height 480 pixels. That will make it the right size for this site. If you need a simple and quick photo editor, I use Photofiltre that I downloaded from Majorgeeks.com. It's free, user-friendly and takes very little computer space.

    Can't wait to see the pics!

  • Houston

    I simply put the setting to medium or large( works either way) when I upload the pics on photobucket and then they are ready to go.

  • Pari1art - I'm a computer dork - I know nothing about posting photos, I'm still trying to figure out how to use my camera!

    I like that you went to court and won - great story.
    Basenjis are the best.

  • Well, here I go. The first photo is Mister when I first got him. The second is him 3 months ago. And the third is Pepper. They are both desexed.

  • Houston

    They are so very pretty..nice little couple..

  • Very pretty dogs. Thanks!

  • Thanks guys. Looking very much forward until tomorrow to pick up Pepper.

  • Welcome to the forum! Lovely pics and great names!:)

  • Welcome to the forum!

  • Welcome to the forum, i'm sure you will enjoy it here. Mister two Dicks looks great, as does Pepper. Please lots more pics when you get her 🙂

  • From one fellow Aussie to another, huge welcome to you, and your beasties…

    I think you will thoroughly enjoy this site, and just be warned, it is VERY addictive 😃

    Where did your babies come from ???

  • Hi Saba,
    Thanks for the welcome. Mister Two Dicks comes from Sydney and Pepper comes from Queensland via Victoria. I picked up Pepper today and it is interesting to see the difference in size they are. Pepper is taller and longer. Had their first fight within 5 minutes of arrival. Teach me a lesson when giving them each a bone. LOL

  • Sorry Saba,
    I think you were asking their pedigree names. I have always had rescue basenjis. I find that they fit my lifestyle. I generally don't have to teach them toilet training and by the time that I get them most of the kinks have been worked out of them. That saying, I cannot give you Pepper's pedigree name, as I am waiting on the paperwork. However, Mister Two Dicks is Zandeena All or Nothing.

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