Another guess where's….
The Mecklenburg Declaration of 1775 is said to be the first declaration of independence from England.
Walter Raleigh founded the first English colony on Roanoke Island. When a supply vessel with more settlers arrived a year later, the settlement and all residents had mysteriously disappeared without any trace except the word carved on the tree. There has been rampant speculation as to its meaning, but nobody really knows….
Babe Ruth hit his first professional home run at Fayetteville on 7 March, 1914. It was overlooked by many sports writers, even to this day. Perhaps because they didn't realize how wildly great at Baseball this man would become.
Robert DeNiro and Juliette Lewis starred together along with Nick Nolte in Cape Fear.
We were due south of Wilmington approximately 15-20 miles. And yes, the beach was very close.
You all are great!:)
I believe the Babe's first pro homer was in the Minors and that's where the confusion comes in. Polo Field was the first homer in the Majors. 'Course, back then, payment in Minors was by barter: "Here's a uniform and a hotdog. Go knock 'em dead, kid."
Mr. Nobarkus: You seem to have a fixation with regard to fruitcake. Is this something you have spoken with your therapist about? :D
I love it , keep it up..see you down the road..
That is so cool that AJ has his name on the door, and rightfully so! :)
That is so cool that AJ has his name on the door, and rightfully so!
That's what I thought too, but forgot to mention it..really cool..
Virginia? I think they settled there…..
Mr. Nobarkus: You seem to have a fixation with regard to fruitcake. Is this something you have spoken with your therapist about? :DNo fixation, just a left over thought from the last game (W. Virginia and chunk of coal) and a joke about SF. Am I confusing :confused:you here?
AJ's Human, What a great pic and in my neck of woods. I grew up in Bath, NC and all my family is still there. I can remember that was one of the annual family trips to Ronoake to see the Lost Colony production in the summer. After college I migrated north with my hubby to Ohio who is also a trucker, Regional (5 states) he also drives a Freightliner (company owned). The co. doesn't allow any animals for trips though. :(. Bath is historical too as its the First incorporated town in NC and Blackbeard the pirate had a home in Bath with his wife.
Most of the people that live there are fruitcakes! ;) That's I don't go there:D
Are you sure you're not talking about Key West?
And was Blackbeard the guy with a bunch of wives or am i thinking of a different pirate?