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What Shampoo?

Breeder Talk
  • So, what shampoo do you use for your Basenji?

    Since Basenji are "self groomers" and wash themselves like cats do, we are supposed to used cat shampoos.

    I just bought Bio-Groom, Kuddly Kitty Shampoo. I have not used it yet, but I feel confident it should be good. Supposed to be quick to rinse out, and is soap free, for sensitive skin and delicate coat.

    Would love to hear what you others use, and washing tips…hehe.

    Gizmo deiced to run and roll William Shatner style, and rolled over something funky. I thought it would just "air out", but has stuck to him. It's not a powerful smell, but you can sense it when holding him.

    I plan to get a baby bathtub to wash him in. Looking forward to seeing how he is gonna react to this…poor Gizmo...haha!

  • I just used a human baby shampoo/bath soap on mine when they were small.

  • I use Johnson and Johnson baby schampoo, at least I have been for the few times I have bathed Otis..It is mild and rinses out easy as well.

  • I use an aloe and oatmeal "no soap" shampoo I got from my vet. Name of it, matter of fact, is "Vet." It goes on and rinses out easily, and Shaye's coat gleams when she gets washed, which is seldom, keeping in mind the teflon nature of the dog.

  • I use Murphy Oil Soap. It's a pure vegetable oil soap for cleaning wood. Recommended by a long time breeder friend. Just dilute it in a small Tupperware type container and then I use a wash cloth to clean the dog. No residue and it rinses super clean too.

  • I use Buddy Wash and Buddy Rinse. They are made from natural ingredients and actually soap free, no harsh chemicals; they keep white areas bright white and coats nice and shinny. Also if you need to bath more frequently it doesn't strip the coats of the oils, but does wash way the dirts, and funk that might build up. My basenji (not the foster) does tend to get "funky" because he gets drooled on by my other dog because he sits under him during treat time so he does get a bath every two weeks or so.

  • I use Isle of Dogs NaturaLuxury shampoo. It is not cheap but you use a small amount.

  • I've never heard that we should use cat shampoo on the dogs. That they do a good job of grooming themselves should not make a difference – they're still dogs, with dog hair, dog skin....

    I only use Bio-groom's Protein Lanolin for dogs, because I LOVE the way it makes their hair feel and shine,and it doesn't smell like many dog shampoos. I love it.

  • For me, bathing dogs usually go smoothest if the water is nice and warm. Mine don't try to jump out then. And when Zoni was a small little thing and got into something, I just bathed her in the kitchen sink and used the sprayer to wet her down.

  • @JazzysMom:

    I've never heard that we should use cat shampoo on the dogs. That they do a good job of grooming themselves should not make a difference – they're still dogs, with dog hair, dog skin....

    I only use Bio-groom's Protein Lanolin for dogs, because I LOVE the way it makes their hair feel and shine,and it doesn't smell like many dog shampoos. I love it.

    Well, because cat shampoos are safe for "licking". Dogs don't usually clean themselves like Basenjis do. They are like cats and can lick/wash their bodies, even the "lick their paw to wash the face" routine. I have 2 Basenji books and every one of them mention using cat shampoo. And almost every website that talks about grooming Basenjis do too.

    We have had 4 dogs through my childhood, and I can't remember seeing 1 clean themselves besides their private parts….and perhaps lick their paws. Usually its just scratching and biting itchy parts.

  • I like Blueberry Facial and then follow up with Head & Shoulders conditioner… the conditioner usually helps them not dander after the shower, which seems to always happen to mine. And once or twice a season, I use the furminator on them- it's one of those combs that pulls out their dead hair. Seems to be a good solution to when they blow their coats. :)

  • @NerdyDogOwner:

    So, what shampoo do you use for your Basenji?

    Since Basenji are "self groomers" and wash themselves like cats do, we are supposed to used cat shampoos.

    I just bought Bio-Groom, Kuddly Kitty Shampoo. I have not used it yet, but I feel confident it should be good. Supposed to be quick to rinse out, and is soap free, for sensitive skin and delicate coat.

    Would love to hear what you others use, and washing tips…hehe.

    Gizmo deiced to run and roll William Shatner style, and rolled over something funky. I thought it would just "air out", but has stuck to him. It's not a powerful smell, but you can sense it when holding him.

    I plan to get a baby bathtub to wash him in. Looking forward to seeing how he is gonna react to this…poor Gizmo...haha!

    When we first got Roo we were stopped in the street for over an hour by a Mother, daughter, and her son. We came to find out that this family raised and showed Basenji's for years. Although they have moved on to raise and show two other breeds, they still love the Basenji Breed.

    Yesterday we were buying some Evo Dog Food in one of our local pet stores and ran into the daughter and her Toller. We found out yesterday that the daughter is a professional dog groomer and it just so happened that she was buying shampoo. So I asked her what she was using and why and does she think it would be ok for our Basenji.

    Ironically She was buying Bio-Groom. She told us that Bio-Groom works well for Basenji's and will not hurt their eyes. She went on to say exactly what label says, that this shampoo does no contain soap, is very mild, and will not strip the natural protective oils from the skin and the coat. The bottle said it can be used on puppies and kittens. She told us that we needed to dilute it. The label says it can be diluted or used full strength but since this young woman grew up with Basenji's for most of her life, we are going to dilute ours.

    We ended up buying the Crisp Apple version of Bio-Groom

    On a side note, Her Toller has been invited to Krups this year. Miranda and I have been very lucky to meet a lot of nice and wonderful people at the local shows, agility and lure coursing events we have attended. Its also still very nice to be stopped on the street by strangers who are stopping me not because I am handsome, but have a very handsome and unique looking dog.


    I like the Oatmeal and Tea Tree Oil Infuser for sensitive skin. I use it, too, because it cleans well and the tea tree oil smells so good.

    I am given Buddy Wash products by a vet tech friend of mine - their clinic (where I often volunteer) is given lots of complimentary products that end up here….and that's a good thing.

  • Since some Basenjis do not like the smell of Tea tree oil, I wonder how the Tea tree Oil in that particular shampoo is tolerated by them.


  • I've used a number of different shampoos and never had a problem with any EXCEPT when I used a flea/tick shampoo. Then the basenjis broke out in hives. I recently picked up a flea shampoo using tea tree oil (also for itchy skin) and had no problems with that. I think the important thing is to (1) read the directions and use accordingly and (2) rinse, rinse, rinse. I also don't use shampoo on thier face, a damp wash cloth will do nicely. If I have to really wash the head (like if someone got peed on), I'll use a little waterless shampoo.

  • @ComicDom1:

    Since some Basenjis do not like the smell of Tea tree oil, I wonder how the Tea tree Oil in that particular shampoo is tolerated by them.


    Yea, I wonder about that as well. I use tea tree oil to deter my B from chewing on things because he despises the smell. I'm not sure how he would react to that in a shampoo. :o

  • @ComicDom1:

    Since some Basenjis do not like the smell of Tea tree oil, I wonder how the Tea tree Oil in that particular shampoo is tolerated by them.


    Very well. The smell is very mild and the dogs don't mind it.
    One of my dogs, Miss Priss, has summer allergies that affect her feet and make them itch. When she is bathed with the Tea Tree oil shampoo, she acts so relaxed, and it seems to calm the itching.

    I used Tea Tree oil to heal an older rescue's ears. I tried everything - my vet prescribed drops, steroids, you name it. Nothing healed the dog's ears for very long. Finally, I mixed TT oil with a little olive oil and used the solution every day for a few weeks. Her ears quickly cleared up and have stayed healthy. Now, I use a mild solution of white vinegar and water to clean ears.

    I agree, the dogs don't like the smell of TT oil. I personally use it a lot, and when they see the TT oil bottle, they scatter.

  • Basenji's don't have an undercoat and are very susceptible to skin allergies. I used babyshampoo when my Belle was 8weeks and got very dirty in the yard, As she got older and was being socialized at parks and such, we moved up to an antifungal shampoo becasue of the skin allergies they seem to get . Very sucessful, coats are soft and shinning…My vet said NO cat shampoo....I have 3 B's now all active and dog park runners and rollers so we bath when we get smelly....I get all my shampoo at the vets and it may be a little more, but it takes less and the skin is so soft.....

  • Anothe thought I use a product for prevention, my b's have grass allergies, It is B&B, comes in a red, white and blue jar B&B super grow is the actual name, rich in protiens with vitamin E , Sage and Sulfur-cocnut oil, it has really helped , relieves itchy skin. Its cheep, I find it at Walgreens in the hair grooming section , with the hair straignten products…..who knew.

  • @NerdyDogOwner:

    Well, because cat shampoos are safe for "licking". Dogs don't usually clean themselves like Basenjis do. They are like cats and can lick/wash their bodies, even the "lick their paw to wash the face" routine. I have 2 Basenji books and every one of them mention using cat shampoo. And almost every website that talks about grooming Basenjis do too.

    We have had 4 dogs through my childhood, and I can't remember seeing 1 clean themselves besides their private parts….and perhaps lick their paws. Usually its just scratching and biting itchy parts.

    I've always used dog shampoo, and have never read anywhere about cat shampoo - only to use a gentle shampoo due to the potential for sensitive skin. Your post intrigued me, so I did an Internet search and found nothing about cat shampoo.
    Perhaps shampoos are different here? They all need to be non-toxic, so would be safe for licking regardless.

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