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My New Baby…

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  • I love Basenjis, especially puppies. My B, Sahara is red & white, so of course I am parcel to these. I like the V names, Vega meaning Falling Star, Vashti, meaning very beautiful, and Victoria, meaning Great lake of Africa. I really like Africian names, hence my B name Sahara, her full name is Africian Queen Sahara, like the Sahara Dessert in Africa.

  • Soo cute!! Can't wait to see how she looks all grown up! (although puppy pics are great too :D :D)

    I really like the name Veesha!

  • What a beautiful puppy. Sooooo cute! I'm no good at picking names, i get myself tied up in knots, too many choices so good luck. I do like Varri though, nice and short and sweet.

  • Thanks everyone for all the lovely comments :D:D

    I cant wait till she arrives, should be sometime, the week after next, I just CANT wait… I am so impatient at the best of times, so this is nearly killing me ;);)

    I have already entered her into her first show... She will make her debut at the Royal Launceston Show, in the middle of October... (This is probably the second biggest show held in Tasmania, always with International judges...). We are able to show our babies from 3 months of age, till they hit 6 months, where they are puppies and eligible for points towards their Australian Champion title :) Roll on October :)

  • yay saba she is so beautiful

    Kylie has sent us so many gorgeous pics of the 2 boys

    im hopefully getting my little boy this weekend, managed to talk my boyfriend around hehe just waiting to hear back from Kylie now

  • Hi Katrina02,

    Congratulatons, I am VERY jealous that you will be getting your bundle of mischief this weekend, not fair :p:p

    Im just waiting for Kylie to get back to me about which day next week I can organise Dogtainers to come and collect her :) Im soooooo excited… She had her eyes tested this week, and the results were really good :)

    Are you driving up to collect him, or having him flown down ??? Which puppy is he one she has decided on, for you ??? I want to go back to my pics, and have a look at him :D:D. I hope you are going to flood this thread with pics as soon as you get him :D. Im going to be sitting at the puter waiting patiently, (NOT...), for them !!!

    Have fun this weekend... (SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous, SOOOOOOOOOOO not fair...)...

  • Hi Saba,

    yes we out which one we are getting today, we are getting the big boy whom we nick name boofa he is the one with just the markings around the neck not the one with the spot and he is so gorgeous he has suck a beautiful little face.

    we are driving up to collect him so it is going to be a big day and a long drive home

    haha dont worry i will make my own thread and try not to rub it in that i already have my baby….that is if i can the pics to work i tried to put the other pics up that i took the other week when i was there but kept getting an error msg i think my pic files may be too large or something so ill try to sort something out :)

  • She is beautiful! Let us know how the name game goes and keep those pictures coming!

  • Well I have just done all the organising, for puppy to come down to us :D:D She is booked onto an afternoon flight to Hobart, on Monday, so I only have 3more sleeps :):). I am getting sooooooo excited, and I just know time will drag from now till then :(:(.

    Katrina02, I expect tons of pics from you over the weekend pleeeeease !!! You are so lucky, only having 1 more sleep :p:p

    Nala, I will be sure to let everyone know her name, I have shortlisted 2 names, both beginning with V…, so we will just have to wait till she arrives and see which one suits her :):)

  • Saba - beautiful pup pictures. Good luck with her.
    By the way, Vixen seems appropriate too, after all she's a bitch :D :D

  • Thanks Wizard, I think she is kinda special too…

    The name Vixen is up there on the list, but the main reason I am holding back on the name is cos, I dont want to jinx myself :D... Kylie thinks I should call her Trouble, cos that is exactly what she has been like with her, but, I know if she had that name she would be a nightmare, and would probably truely live up to THAT name... Im just not brave enough :D

    Only 2 more sleeps :D:D

  • tomorrow is day..I am so excited for you..I hope everything goes swell and that you will have her with you soon…


    I am just so excited, it feels like Xmas time… It is 7.50 in the morning, and she is being picked up early this am, by the transport company, then into Sydney Airport, for her flight that leaves at 2.25pm, (providing that the flight is on time, of course :)...). She will arrive in Hobart at 4.10pm :). How slow is today going to be ????????????

    Would love to be able to go back to bed, then wake up just when we need to go to the Airport, which is about 40-45 mins away ;);) I think if I did that though, I probably wouldnt be able to sleep anyway :D

    Thanks Basenjimamma, she wont be with me quickly enough, thats for sure...

  • Hooray! Looking forward to seeing and hearing more!!!

  • Well guess who's here :D.

    We picked up this gorgeous little bundle from the Airport, and she walked out of her crate like she owned the place… We came home, and introduced her to Saba first, and he was curious about her, gave her the once over, and that was it. Then we brought out Ochre, who did the same, gave her the once over, then walked away. I might add, it was pouring with rain, while we were doing this intro, and has done so all night, and so far hasnt stopped today either... We took her into the house and she happily explored all over the place :). We let Ochre out with her for a while and she is just beginning to thaw out, Ochre I mean... Shes curious, but doesnt know what to make of this funny little beast !!! Then Saba emerged, and he was great, he immediately wanted to play with her and Ochre... (I reckon he thinks all his dreams have come true, 2 B girls to play with :D). Then she met Nosh, he is the 10 month old Cattle Dog, who is also in the house. He thought she was fantastic. He is a touch rough, but you can just see he is trying sooo hard to be gentle with her... Very sweet.

    I was very happy with her response to all these new things, dogs etc. She appears to be VERY confident, hasnt been put off by anything going on around her at all. She has had a little play with the B's, but obviously is easily distracted, and runs off to explore, then has the B;s following her. Very cute...

    She is VERY noisy though... I am currently very sleep deprived, I think she was screaming every hour last night, so, outside to toilet, then back upstairs, whining for about 10-15 mins, (aways seems a LOT longer in the middle of the night, doesnt it ???!!!), falls asleep, then it all starts again ;)

    So far we have no pics yet, but I promise to put some up this weekend. I am very happy with this little bundle of cuteness !!!

    Now as to her name... I think we will be calling her Vanda. When she first got out of the crate t the Airport, I thought she was definately a Veesha, but over time I didnt think it suited her. That was the girls pick, so they were a bit sad to see that name go !!! Then I thought she looked like a Vixen, but nobody really liked that name... One of the kids thought of Vovo, but I didnt like it. So I think, (Im not 100% sold on it yet...), it will be Vanda, which was a name given to me by a friend who shows American ****ers, I think she will be very pleased to hear that name was the one I chose for her :D

  • Great news, so pleased you have Vanda safe and sound. You are so lucky, looking foward to the pics :)

  • Finally home!! Congrats!! And a big welcome to Vanda(?)!! :D

    Can't wait to see pics!!

  • I am sure you are happy Vanda is finally there. Sounds like she will fit in great and not skip a beat..of course w can't wait for pics…;)

  • Glad to hear all went well and I'm sure she will settle in soon…looking forward to the pictures! I hope you can get some sleep soon!

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