wrote on 24 Jun 2009, 04:20 last edited by
Sorry to hear that Lisa. We are all pulling for Spot!
wrote on 24 Jun 2009, 05:32 last edited by
Our prayers are with you and Spot.
wrote on 24 Jun 2009, 05:32 last edited by
Sorry to hear that, Lisa. Fingers are crossed and thoughts are sent…
Esther -
wrote on 24 Jun 2009, 10:20 last edited by
Sending some healing thoughts for Spot!
wrote on 24 Jun 2009, 12:22 last edited by
Sorry to hear about Spot…
Our thoughts are coming to you...
wrote on 24 Jun 2009, 18:47 last edited by
Spot has adenocarcinoma. There is nothing that the vet can do for him but help us make him comfortable for his remaining time. We will probably have to help him cross over soon but for now he is enjoying his sunny place in the window.
I am so sorry to hear that. I understand "the nothing they can do part", but it is so hard to not try anything..I had a dog, Lou, that in late march was diagnosed with braintumors…we helped him over the bridge in mid april. Enjoy your time with Spot and when time comes he will thank you for the help...
wrote on 24 Jun 2009, 19:40 last edited by
Ivoss I am so very sorry. Did you get a chance to read the information I left on here and see what your vet said about it? It kept YOYO calm and not hurting that helped a lot for us. Again I am so very sorry.
Rita Jean
wrote on 24 Jun 2009, 20:19 last edited by
Spot has adenocarcinoma. There is nothing that the vet can do for him but help us make him comfortable for his remaining time. We will probably have to help him cross over soon but for now he is enjoying his sunny place in the window.
So sorry to hear that… I know how hard it is.... enjoy your remaining time together... and then help him over the rainbow bridge to be with all that have gone before him... happy and painfree..... Hugs
wrote on 24 Jun 2009, 20:29 last edited by
So sorry to hear that… :(
wrote on 24 Jun 2009, 20:50 last edited by
Spot does not seem to be in any pain and spends most of the day sleeping in his favorite sunny place. Our vet says her measure of quality of life is that the they are spending at least 50% of their time doing the things they love. Right now he is doing that but I know that can change quickly so we will just treasure the time we have.
wrote on 24 Jun 2009, 21:58 last edited by
Hope Spot is ok, my thoughts are with you. It's terrible when our Pets are ill.
wrote on 25 Jun 2009, 00:27 last edited by
Lisa I am so sorry about Spot's diagnosis. I will be sending positive thoughts that Spot will be as happy and painfree as possible. hugs
wrote on 25 Jun 2009, 02:05 last edited by
I am so sorry. I hope Spot is able to be comfortable and happy for a good while. Getting the fluid off probably has let him breathe better and feel more normal. Good thoughts headed your way.
wrote on 25 Jun 2009, 13:10 last edited by
I'm sorry to hear about your kitty - I hope you get to spend some quality time with him and that he is more comfortable for now.
wrote on 25 Jun 2009, 13:56 last edited by
My prayers to you and your family.
wrote on 25 Jun 2009, 16:00 last edited by
Sorry to hear about the diagnosis. Hope you all have some lovely quality time together.
wrote on 26 Jun 2009, 11:24 last edited by
I'm praying that nothing changes and that Spot can just peacefully snooze into the last sleep. No matter how inevitable, it is never easy at the last. I do pray for Spot and you.
wrote on 26 Jun 2009, 12:01 last edited by
Happy thoughts being sent towards your family and Spot.