• Houston

    I am so sorry they are implicating it being something you did or didn't do. Shame on them. I can not honestly say I think him not wearing an E collar is what made him now not be able to control himself…regardless of what results you get back, there simply is no way. If he got a UTI, it is just a coincident, maybe because of a potential catheter, if that is what they used (not the IV one) or for whatever other reason. Stand your ground when you pick him up. You knwo how he has been and what he has and hasn't been doing with his scar. If he truly licked it so badly that it gave him a UTI wouldn't he be irritated, swollen and red in that area. I sure would think so.

  • Update:

    Analysis came back with a fairly low count of white and red blood cells, not familiar with what is good and bad, but the summary is it's a weak UTI. They recommended doing an antibiotic injection that will last two weeks and not require me to administer any pills, and then they will do a re-check about 2 weeks from now.

    So my original conclusion was right. Good to know it's a weak infection and nothing serious. Thanks everyone for the advice and comments. I'll need to adjust my weekend so I am home more. I have a feeling he'll want to go out more frequently until the antibiotics starting working.

  • Houston

    I am glad you have a conclusion, and now he can get better.

  • Better days ahead so happy he has the med to help all get better. Lots of love and naps on the sofa this weekend.

    Rita Jean

  • @Kananga:


    Analysis came back with a fairly low count of white and red blood cells, not familiar with what is good and bad, but the summary is it's a weak UTI. They recommended doing an antibiotic injection that will last two weeks and not require me to administer any pills, and then they will do a re-check about 2 weeks from now.

    So my original conclusion was right. Good to know it's a weak infection and nothing serious. Thanks everyone for the advice and comments. I'll need to adjust my weekend so I am home more. I have a feeling he'll want to go out more frequently until the antibiotics starting working.

    Well sounds like mystery solved…. and who knows why it happened.. but at least he can be on the road to recovery... they usually bounce back really quickly from a UTI with the meds...

  • Indeed. It does solve the mystery (as of recent) of his anxiety. I'm sure he was in a bit of pain.

    Just glad it's all taken care of now. He can enjoy the weekend, as can I. 🙂

  • It must be a relief to know…keep us posted on his progress!

  • Oh he's back to normal. Lazy as usual… :rolleyes:

    Actually I think he's tired from his walk this morning. 🙂

  • Houston

    He looks so tired…almost drunk. That is so funny, like that wall is holding him up.

  • He's getting better, I think, but still having accidents. Over the weekend I was having to take him out every 3-4 hrs. Even then he had issues holding it till we got outside, which resulted to me carrying him now. Of course this morning while I was getting dressed he couldn't hold it. He had the injection on Friday so I'm not so sure how long it takes for a big improvement. He did sleep a lot over the weekend which was odd. I think he slept about 90% of the day.

  • Usually with antibiotics significant improvement is seen in 24-48 hours. This should be especially true if he was given an injection since it was a single dose. If he is still urinating in the house, he will need to go back to the vet because the antibiotics were not effective. My vet always recommends a culture when a UTI is suspected to make sure the antibiotic is one that will actually be effective for the bacteria present.

    It may also be time to consider a second opinion from another vet.

  • @lvoss:

    Usually with antibiotics significant improvement is seen in 24-48 hours. This should be especially true if he was given an injection since it was a single dose. If he is still urinating in the house, he will need to go back to the vet because the antibiotics were not effective. My vet always recommends a culture when a UTI is suspected to make sure the antibiotic is one that will actually be effective for the bacteria present.

    It may also be time to consider a second opinion from another vet.

    Do you think he's just having issues with house training since he was having accidents while he had the infection originally? Meaning, is it simply a mental issue versus a physical?

    I would hope the antibiotics are working. I'm testing him today to see if he has an accident while I'm away (8 hrs). The accidents are not typically consistent. He had one accident leading to go outside in the hallway over the weekend, which I stopped him right away and then he was ok. Although I have been carrying him out to go since to prevent any accidents. This morning was the only other accident he had but it still concerned me. He's always had great bladder control and it was strange since he started urinating while he was sitting. Of course it was on my side of the bed. :rolleyes:

    I did stop him right away, picked him up and put him in the bathroom for a minute while I cleaned everything up. He proceeded to empty his bladder in there. Easier to clean up because of the tiled floors, still not fun.

  • I doubt very seriously if it is a mental thing… I would say physical... and I agree with lvoss that usually in 24 to 48 hours you see the improvement. I know my vet usually give Clavamox for UTI's and it is a course of at least 14 days. Also have had Baytril too. Do you know what they gave him?

  • IME, it is not typical for them to have housebreaking issues after a UTI. Usually once the UTI is cleared up so is the problems with urinating in the house. I have also never had a vet give a single injection of antibiotics as treatment for a UTI. Usually they are given a 10-14 day course of antibiotics.

  • @lvoss:

    IME, it is not typical for them to have housebreaking issues after a UTI. Usually once the UTI is cleared up so is the problems with urinating in the house. I have also never had a vet give a single injection of antibiotics as treatment for a UTI. Usually they are given a 10-14 day course of antibiotics.

    I was told the injection form is relatively new, but it provides up to 2 weeks worth of antibiotics.

    IIRC, it was Convenia.

  • Regardless, I think I may get a 2nd opinion. Thanks Ivoss.

  • Here is a link that I found doing a search on Covenia. It sounds like it is not necessarily the best choice for UTIs.


  • Did some more research and found that Convenia is recommended for treatment of skin infections. Its product handout is available online, http://www.convenia.com/pdfs/Convenia_prescribing_information.pdf

  • In reading what they gave him, sounds to me like they are treating him for a infection related to the incision and NOT an UTI?…. and that would make sense since they "harrassed" you for not keeping an e-collar on him and said he had an infection due to licking.

    I would for sure get a second opinion.....

  • Good catch, both of you. I stopped at home to let Kananga out to check on him. He didn't have any accident, but when I took him out to go, I noticed (As before) his urination stream is a bit weak and it seems like he's trying to cut it off early. Meaning perhaps he's still in a bit of pain.

    I also grabbed his paperwork while I was there. I confirmed they used Convenia. They did, however, diagnose him with a Lower Tract Urinary Infection. It sounds like the diagnosis was accurate (to some extent) but I'm strongly questioning the prescribed meds.

    I did call them today and they said "it could take up to a week to show signs of improvements". But I'm not buying that. Last time I called they gave bad advice, I have my doubts with this call. I'm going to look into a 2nd opinion.

    EDIT: Decided to call back and have the vet call me directly. I explained my concerns over Convenia being prescribed when "I have read" that it is only reccomended for treating skin infections. That and I explained my concerns over his lack of improvement and side effects (being lethargic). We'll see what they have to say.

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