I use kids cheese sticks..I break off a small piece and give it to them, pill free..then have another piece that I have put the pill in, give it to them, then have infront of their noses, before they ever stop chewing a small piece with the pill in it, I have another small piece of pill free cheese. I do it pretty quickly, and as I give the dog not getting the pill the same thing, the boy with the pill is afraid she will get his cheese.
It works for me. I hope this makes some sense. 3 bits of cheese with the second one having the pill inside…BUT you have to make sure there is cheese all around the pill...or it won't work.
Good luck.
I do this exact same thing with ours, only we are using some mild Salami, as we have tried most of the rest of these tips, without success :). We currently have Saba on meds and he is enjoying his Salami treats :). I havent tried the butter though, will keep this one up my sleeve…