Poisonous plants
Additional information for my above post, cross post
Japanese Yew (aka Yew): sudden death from acute cardiac failure, early signs muscular tremors, dyspnea, and seizures in dogs
Most people have them and they are probably one of the most dangerous & toxic plants in your yard. I read that just a few leaves/needles or bark has been enough to kill a cow or a goat.
While Hemlock, the conifer, is not poisonous!
The Yew plant is an ornamental yard plant, most often used in landscaping around the foundation of a house. It is an extremely poisonous plant and the animal needs to eat only one-tenth of one percent of its body weight to get a toxic dose. (For example, a 50 pound dog would need only .05 pounds or less than 2 ounces of the plant to get a potentially fatal dose!)
The toxin in the Yew is an alkaloid and works by depressing electrical activity in the heart. Signs may include sudden death from heart failure. If the animal shows clinical signs of toxicosis other than sudden death those could include: trembling, incoordination, diarrhea, and collapse.
We rarely recognize clinical cases of Japanese Yew poisoning in animals at the University, although that may be partly because of the difficulty in proving the presence of the toxin as well as the great toxicity. In cases where animals are found dead it is very difficult to prove the Yew caused the death unless the animal is necropsied (a veterinary term for an autopsy) and evidence of ingestion - evidence that the animal actually ate the plant ? is found. There are no specific blood or chemical tests to determine if Yew toxicity is present. While Yew poisoning does not seem to be very common, the best advice is to know what ornamental plants are present around your house and other buildings and to make sure the Yew is not one of them!
When triming your bushes or hedges, be sure to clean up all those killer needles.
Azaleas and some other Rhododendrons. The problem with these 2 is that they aren't often cross categorized as the same. When you go to check if your plant is an Azalea, it's often listed under Rhododendron, you miss the connection. An Azalea is a species of the Genus Rhododendron, poisonous to dogs.
Ironic about Yews, the most common plant at most houses as foundation plants and are unfortunately one of the most poisonous-
Even dry, the Yew is dangerous if ingested. A tiny amount ingested can kill a cow or horse. It attacks the central nervous system, causing death. A horribly toxic plant that, most people have in their yards.
I have them in my yard, it seems the dogs have little interest in them.
I bought some Japanese ornamental grass that they loved to eat. It never had a chance. Luckily it's not poisonous.
Castor Bean: (beans are very toxic): oral irritation burning of the mouth and throat, increase in thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, kidney failure, convulsions
Castor Beans plants are actually Illegal in many states due to the fact its used to make the poison Ricin, which was banned because of terrorists. It's a highly poisonous yet beautiful ornimental plant.
Looking at these lists, is there any outdoor plants that aren't poisonous???
WOW - what a list of plants that are poisonous - living in Florida, we don't know what half of the plants, flowers are around here but looks like we'd better learn them all. Plus we go camping - who knew?? Guess we'd best be sure she just doesn't eat anything growing. Scary.
Try plants for spring:
1. Mahonia gentle touch is perfect for adding texture to the shadow areas in your yard.
2. Delta Jazz Crapemyrtle brilliant features pink flowers with bright dye their unique cup-shaped leaves and dark burgundy.
3. Gardenia is an improvement joy charm a favorite in the South, which re-fragrant flowers in summer and fall.
4. Crapemyrtle Advance is available in three color choices and has excellent skills and re-bloom to 100 to 120 days of color.
5. Purple Diamond Loropetalum compact foliage gives deep rich purple color that keeps its color all season.And without spring Prune flowering shrubs and trees. If you do not prune shrubs and trees in fall or winter, this is the perfect time to do the job. Prune before new growth and warm weather helps keep shrubs and trees to be susceptible to disease. He is also getting rid of old branches, and blooms from ugly last year and the preparation of fresh flowers, beautiful new year. As anticipated benefit Crapemyrtle and Big Daddy Hydrangea pruning at this time, do not prune shrubs and trees are in bloom in spring. During late winter, spring flowering shrubs and trees have been setting new buds and if you cut the branches now, also cut the spring buds and flowers. Spring flowering shrubs and trees should not be pruned until after their flowering season is over, for example, Esmeralda Loropetalum snow must be in the form of pruning or after flowering in spring.
LOL my input is that I don't risk my dogs knowing what is toxic and what isn't.
After a long time I've learnt to trust my Basenjis (but not I should add all my dogs). They also spend some time in digging for roots which I always assume are for medicinal purposes as the oldest part of our house has the remains of an ancient herbal garden.
Our sheep also do the same!