Over here in Indiana, it was the first warm day in quite some time. So naturally, I took Shango out for a long walk right near a river. There's a paved trailway there and he loves all the sights and smells.
THIS is why I love Basenjis.
Along the river there was a LARGE group of geese, about 50 of them, huddles together enjoying the nice weather. 50 large geese vs. 1 basenji? Sounds ridiculous right? Shango, being the determined basenji he is, carefully and very slowly as if hunting wild Elephants on the safaris, stalked up to them, AS IF HE WERE GOING TO ACCOMPLISH something!
They of course, flew away immediately. Poor Shango looked so disappointed.
What a heart of determination! The fact that my little guy thought he could actually do something about 50 large river geese just goes to show what sort of dog a basenji is and that's why I love them!