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New CH at Khani's!

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  • Way to go.

  • Congrats Kathy & Honey! :)

  • She's beautiful! Congrats Kathy!

  • The "life of Riley" is like living in the "lap of luxury"
    basically they are living the good life with no worries.

    Until Honey decides to come in season, she might try lure coursing, but really just needs to be a great bed dog and try not to shred too many toys!

    What could be easier than that???

    Honey's breeder is John Gaidos in Hawaii.
    Sire is MBIS MBISS CH Granquest Kazor's Xequemate Motumbo
    Dam is CH Teazer's Star of Nyanga

  • Congrats!! This thread leads me to a question…..I've noticed on Infodog that when there are shows in Hawaii that there's usually only one basenji entered. How does one get points and finish a dog if they live on Oahu?

  • @Kebasmom:

    Congrats!! This thread leads me to a question…..I've noticed on Infodog that when there are shows in Hawaii that there's usually only one basenji entered. How does one get points and finish a dog if they live on Oahu?

    That one dog you saw was John and Motumbo. :) They have to earn points the same way we do here. lol They don't have to beat as many dogs since there's so few around, but they have to get their 15 points including 2 majors just like everyone else. In Hawaii a major probably means beating 3 other dogs of the same sex for Basenjis. So John pretty much has to enter several of his own dogs to compete against each other.

    There IS another way to get points, if your dog places 1st in the group (in our case the hound group) then you are awarded points equal to the biggest win of any breed in the hound group that you beat that day. For example if a Beagle won a 4 point major because they had a big enough entry, but the Basenji later beat the Beagle and ended up 1st in group, then the Basenji also gets a 4 pt major (if they're not a champion yet anyways). So it is possible to "steal" the points if you can win the group, but even in Hawaii that is not an easy feat. :) But John and Mo have been showing so well and have definitely gotten their share of group wins, and even best in shows!

  • Thanks for the info!!

  • Actually, John's kids just come live with me! LOL :eek:

    Rita Webb lived in Hawaii for many years but moved back to the mainland, so there is no competition for now. He'll be bringing out some older kids this year, hopefully he will show them all [which means he has to have lots of handlers so they can all be shown] so they can get finished before I send these two back over as Champions :D

    Motumbo is actually almost the winningest dog in history. He needs 1 or 2 more BISs to accomplish that…
    though he IS the winningest owner-handled dog in Hawaii history, as the dog with the 26 BIS was handled by multiple handlers that actually flew over to show the dog!
    John has accomplished quite a bit with Motumbo and Motumbo has produced well for John in the few breedings he's sired.

  • @khanis:

    The "life of Riley" is like living in the "lap of luxury"
    basically they are living the good life with no worries.

    Thank you very much. Really nice expression !! :)

  • Lovely girl!!

  • Does Honey have great timing or what?? :confused:
    She is now a Champion, and came in season yesterday, 5 days shy of 6 months….........
    definitely a good girl!
    Though I was a bit excited to get the other in-season bitch out of here this weekend so Honey's Hawaiian bro could ''mellow'' out... now he gets to stay amped up for a while.. ARGH!!:eek:

  • Congrats on the CH and the puppies-to-be.

  • What a clever girl, congrats!

  • Congrats to all…beautiful!

  • Congratulations, she is beautiful. I hope she does well with her lure coursing. Let us know how you do. I would love to try it with mine.

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