Kitchen remodel!
Great job….
Gorgeous!!!! The sliding doors really open that space up. Nice job, very beautiful. Can't wait to see it complete.
You also have the fridge that I want, I love the freezer on the bottom fridges.
Thanks everyone for the compliments! It is/was a tough job but satisfying now that its over and that we did it ourselves…
snorky - sure! ask away!
You did a real great job there.
Choosing blue for a kitchen is quite clever. Did you know that a) blue or turquoise keeps you away from eating attacks and b) that the Bauhaus community (a bunch of designers in early 19 hundred) found out, that this colours keeps flies away? I wonder if you would keep an eye on these two issues and let us know, if it is true or not so true…Regards,
Esther -
If it means I can vacation in the Netherlands, sure! :)