Spaying …
wrote on 9 Nov 2006, 01:00 last edited by
Hi everyone I just got my Topaz spayed yesterday & it's just been awful. She is so not herself. The vet said it was a good thing we did it soon because she was developing a uteran infection. She's irritable & sensitive. And she is just being so mean with my boy C3PO. She walks around like a zombie with no desire to chew or eat or jump on ANYTHING. This is really out of character for her. I'm hoping this is just the recovery period & that eventually she'll be back to her old self. She gets her stitches out in 10 days..its going to be a very long week for us.
wrote on 14 Nov 2006, 03:11 last edited by
Sandie had her (spay) surgery today… shes been home for bout 4 hours now.. she does'nt seem to be as disorinated as she was a few hours ago... I can tell she is uncomfortable as she keeps getting up and moving... she has'nt really eaten i brought her a few bites of banana she ate it and so far has'nt thrown it back up... she goes back in 10 days to have stitches out...
They evidently decided to give her a manicure which upsets me, i noticed one was cut a little short and theres jagged edges, and they are all differnt lengths, which ill have to try and ignore till she feels better... think tomarrow ill call and complain about this. -
wrote on 14 Nov 2006, 03:17 last edited by
Glad that Sandie is okay. When I had Zahra spayed she was a little out of it the first day but was up and active the next day. She wasn't 100% for a few days but she was recovering better than I had expected.
Hope she has a quick recovery.
wrote on 14 Nov 2006, 15:40 last edited by
I'm glad she's okay, please keep us posted on how she progresses, best of luck for a speedy recovery!!
wrote on 14 Nov 2006, 16:11 last edited by
Oh Sunny so glad Sandie is feeling better. We've had a terrible time with Topaz. She didn't eat for a couple of days & we had to take her back & she was put on diet food to get her appetite back. It was all wet food so I'm hoping at some point she'll be able to eat her kibble again. Her attitude is also pretty weird. She didn't want C3PO around her at all now she's better about that but she wants him nowhere near her food (odd?) she loved sharing her food with him.
Topaz gets her stitches out on Saturday & I hope it's not as traumatic as it's been the last few days.
wrote on 14 Nov 2006, 16:29 last edited by
Sandies doin much better after a rather restless night of sleep… we had her in bed with us... earlie this morning we let her out to potty and she went to her crate so we left her there... Shes hungry this morning, I bought a few small cans of puppy soft, so i give her half the can and bout 15 kibbles, she seems to be somewhat satisfied with that. Just dont want her throwing up.
I notice when she goes out to pee, she pees several times... Is this normal you think ? -
wrote on 15 Nov 2006, 18:31 last edited by
Day 2 Sandie is more herself today eating and wanting to play and jumping onto the sofa… Its good to have her back... easier for me to go to work knowing she isnt feeling bad... My husband works from home so he is here with her, so she isnt actully alone...Im still upset bout them trimming her nails.. maybe tomarrow ill get the nail file out and try and smooth out the jagged edges .... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!
wrote on 15 Nov 2006, 23:40 last edited by
I'm so glad she's doing well!
wrote on 16 Nov 2006, 16:59 last edited by
so glad she's back to her old self. Is she eating her normal foods?? Post surgery Topaz refuses to eat her kibble & will now ONLY eat wet food. Weird?!
wrote on 17 Nov 2006, 05:32 last edited by
Day 3 Sandie is acting as if nothing ever happend jumping around wanting to play, eating all the same things… wish i could get her to lay still more...tonight shes like over active... I think its the cooler weather we are having, it seems to make her go into hyper active...