I remember reading about why different races are prone to obesity from the history of the race dealing with nomadic starvation (certain Indian tribes, Eskimos etc) The body over multi-generations learns that it is expected to live through hard times of low caloric intake. Now society can supply them with high calories on a permanent basis and they have horrible cases of obesity.
This is why I mention the dogs in some southern United States being in an environment closer to their natural one in Africa. It might be one reason we experience different shedding/dander/even skin problems than others in colder ones like Canada. I know that Huskies, Samoyeds, and other thick furred northern pups suffer horribly down here and often have skin conditions develop from it. Certainly, we can understand it could work the other way, too. I have spent many summers with over 30 days in a row over 100 degrees. Nights cool down to the mid 90s by midnight. And dry… Very much like African plains! Could be very good for Basenji skin and fur?
No matter- we must acknowledge dog breeds are physically different. THAT is a visible (therefore scientific) fact we have to all agree on so why would someone deny there could be other differences WE are not able to easily measure outside of doing a controlled study of many dog breeds? If the vocals can be different, the breeding habits can be different, why not fur and skin?
Lastly, dictionary .com defines it this way:
hypoallergenic hy?po?al?ler?gen?ic (hī'pō-āl'ər-jěn'ĭk)
Having a decreased tendency to provoke an allergic reaction.
My pup fits in there, therefore is "hypoallergenic."