Erby-de crabre mate!
wrote on 15 Aug 2008, 23:25 last edited by
Its not a first come first serve adoption…we do try very hard to match the dogs and family.
Also, we are all non paid, so some folks hear sooner than later from the state screener.
BUT we do need basenji smart homes, so I hope you hear soon.
Thanks for thinking rescue for your next companion animal. -
wrote on 15 Aug 2008, 23:36 last edited by
I was truley amazed that people would get rid of their pet that seems unreal to me! I hope that if I am choosen it is soon. I was wanting a sinji by this fall but I will wait patiently for the right sinji.
wrote on 16 Aug 2008, 17:37 last edited by
I have found a sinji My wife and I would like to rescue.Her name is Kota she is in New Jersey. I found her post at the brat recue page. I cannot contact members[Brabara Narehood] something not allowing me to e-mail. If anyone could help me contact the foster prents I would be happy Thank you for any input you may have to this post. Tim and Rebecca Prodan
wrote on 16 Aug 2008, 22:24 last edited by
What you need to do is post to BRAT that you are interested in this basenji.
They will do a home check and go from there.
So, just post to the main BRAT page that your interested in a certain basenji.
I do have to tell you that most screeners like to place a basenji close to home.
Not always,…we are getting a Ca basenji to Or next week..but its totally up to the person placing the dog.
So, just want to let you know...
Let me know what you hear. -
wrote on 19 Aug 2008, 11:56 last edited by
Did not get Kota, she went to a family in Indiana. I will keep looking,but I feel that BRAT will come thru with the right Sinji. Thanx for helping me .TIM and REBECCA PRODAN. Will keep posted on progress.
wrote on 19 Aug 2008, 12:51 last edited by
Welcome to the forum (a bit late with my welcomes) - even though you've had basenjis before you'll still find lots of great tips here. I know I did.
Also sorry for the loss of your previous beastie. -
wrote on 19 Aug 2008, 14:05 last edited by
Thanx Wiz. I am exited with the possibility of another sinji.
wrote on 11 Sept 2008, 15:53 last edited by
Thanx Wiz. I am exited with the possibility of another sinji.
Guys and Gals just wanted everyone to know I am in the process of rescuing a B by the name of Baloo. I have spoken to his rehab family and am in the process of getting him on the Basenji RailRoad system. He is far away and his fosters are helping me by co-ording a relay of volenteers to get him to us. We are exited about Baloo he is fetured on the BRAT website rite now.He is a awsome looking brindle.I am greatful to Sharron for directing me to BRAT. Thanx Sharron. Tim and Rebecca Prodan
wrote on 11 Sept 2008, 16:21 last edited by
Guys and Gals just wanted everyone to know I am in the process of rescuing a B by the name of Baloo. I have spoken to his rehab family and am in the process of getting him on the Basenji RailRoad system. He is far away and his fosters are helping me by co-ording a relay of volenteers to get him to us. We are exited about Baloo he is fetured on the BRAT website rite now.He is a awsome looking brindle.I am greatful to Sharron for directing me to BRAT. Thanx Sharron. Tim and Rebecca Prodan
That's great… please consider doing the DNA Fanconi Test when you get him, BRAT only does the strip testing, not the DNA Fanconi Test
wrote on 11 Sept 2008, 16:26 last edited by
Pat is that done through the vet? and how much of a problem is it?
wrote on 11 Sept 2008, 16:31 last edited by
I remember our first vet touching on the issue,but at the time I did not pay to much attetion to it.
wrote on 11 Sept 2008, 16:37 last edited by
Pat is that done through the vet? and how much of a problem is it?
It is a genetic problem in our breed… one that now with DNA testing can be stopped in the future, provided that breeders use the test... However, since this particular B is coming from a puppymill rescuse situation, you can be certain that no testing has been done.
See my new post about cheek swabs being available for DNA Fanconi testing... will be much easier.
Also, anyone with Basenjis should make themselves familiar with our Breeds health concerns. Please visit
Also visit that site for information on the Fanconi test, CPP sign up, etc…
wrote on 11 Sept 2008, 17:22 last edited by
Thanx for the link Tanza I will have Baloo tested when we get him here in Michigan.
wrote on 11 Sept 2008, 17:31 last edited by
When do you expect Baloo to get to you? I am so excited for you! I bet you cannot wait to meet him!
wrote on 11 Sept 2008, 17:33 last edited by
Thanx for the link Tanza I will have Baloo tested when we get him here in Michigan.
Great… and I am sure that he will have a most "wonderful" forever home... especially coming from a puppy mill!!! Great for him, great for you!
wrote on 11 Sept 2008, 17:46 last edited by
We are exited about Baloo,He looks great and we have waited 2 years to bring another pet into our home. I have my home visit this Saturday a gal by the name of Carrol is visiting on behalf of BRAT.The gal that is fostering Baloo said she woud help us get him close to our house using the rail-road system.Baloo is gonna a be a lucky pup, He will have his forever home and we will have the coolest pup on the block!
wrote on 11 Sept 2008, 17:47 last edited by
I am not sure but I believe in a coupl of weeks tops.
wrote on 14 Sept 2008, 23:48 last edited by
I was so glad to see this - I had thought about you a few times when I was browsing the BRAT site or Petfinder. (Yes, I am hooked on rescue basenjis, though we don't have room for any more than our two.) Baloo looks like a lovely boy and it's wonderful that you found each other.
Even though you're basenji savvy, I would highly recommend the stickies here on the forum about bringing a new rescue home. Sharron's tips were invaluable to us with our second B, and came in helpful even
months after our first girl found us.Enjoy Baloo, and be sure to post pix and stories!:D
wrote on 15 Sept 2008, 15:24 last edited by
Thanx for the tip. I am shure gonna read everything I can. It has been a while since I had a B and a refresher is a great ideal.The Gals came for a visit this last saturday and all went well just waiting to here from Balouski's foster moma. The gal that visited me is not a Basenji owner she has Borizi's she brought her huge male with her.He was a cool looking dog and was real friendly,she done this service at no charge.I am meeting some good people on top of getting Baloo.Cant wait to here when Baloo is coming home to me and my family!I am buying the chew toys and everything else he needs this week.
wrote on 18 Sept 2008, 02:40 last edited by
Mitt, you've been screened, then? Want a brother for Baloo? If we could figure out transport. Either of these sounds like a bit of a handful at first, but you sound like you're up for a challenge…