Breeding Plans
The pups are adorable!! I hope really hope Sugar is doing better today. Keeping fingers crossed that this was just a little bump in the road and everything goes smoothly from this point on.
I give cottage cheese 4% milk fat for calcium, not yogart? And I always have mine on it starting before they whelp (like 2wks before)…. I don't measure, but if I had to guess it would be 2 tablespoons with each meal.
You would be best off to take her to the Vet, IMO... as Eclampsia is a serious acute life-threatening problem that shows up typically in early lactation.
Actually, I think the people in this house may have fed her something that did not agree with her. (I suspected these people after the fact when someone mentioned something about fruit, apples, sausage, etc.) She's getting better now, her poops have started to slow down and form a little bit. If she does continue, I will take her to the vet. I just worry because of the babies. (dumb people feeding a dog what they aren't used to)
Thanks Pat,
Awww they are so adorable :) Keep the photos coming!
They just get cuter and cuter!!
She looks like a good mommy…
No, because of the ice storm I couldn't bring her in yesterday to the vet. I have an appt this am for her. She still has runny poop, like liquid, and stomach cramps, but no fever. But she is still soooo skinny. Everything that goes in either comes out in liquid form, or the pups take it. They are gaining by at least one to two ounces per day, so the milk is good-it seems to be just with her. And she passes gas like a human. Loud and proud!
But those puppies sure do know how to whine! I think the little red female will be called Tinkerbell. So, I have three names now, Starr, Zorro, and Tink. Now, if I can just come up with a name for the boy with the spot on the back that whines all the time. I can start with calling them something other than Puppy #1, 2, 3, and 4.
Hope Sugar will start to feel a bit better all she?ll be just skin &bones those little monsters they?ll take what they need as all babies do luckily the milk is of good quality.
Call the little boy Whiner or Whinger ;)Love that little Tri girl can?t wait till I get my own Tri litter next fall if all goes as planned:) -
The vet said that nothing is really wrong and just to watch her. Just keep giving her a bit of yogurt everyday because of the probiotics and some rice and scrambled eggs with her kibble. He didn't want to give her anything because of the puppies. I'll up her food to about 3 1/2 to 4 cups as well.
Whiner-that's what I've been calling him, but I think he really needs a decent name, otherwise he will whine all the time!
I'll up her food to about 3 1/2 to 4 cups as well.
Whoa my goodness I knew you up the food some but I didn't know it was that much! That's a lot! I had no idea. How much was she eating before she whelped??