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Breeding Plans

Breeder Talk
  • Sometimes you need to give them a calcium shot I would call the vet asap and not try to second guess as Tanza stated eclampsia can be life threatening.

  • I did call the vets this am. They told me to wait it out another day, since she didn't have a fever, unless she developed one or her glands got hard. They told me yogurt and rice. If she's not better in the am, I will take her in.

  • Just curious, but what is a normal temp for a dog…

  • Sugar hovers around 99.7, But it can vary from what I understand

  • New pics- 8 days

  • Awww they are so adorable :) Keep the photos coming!

  • They just get cuter and cuter!!


  • She looks like a good mommy…

  • She's very good.

  • Aww, too cute! Can I steal one? :) How is everything going Arlene? Is Sugar feeling better?

  • No, because of the ice storm I couldn't bring her in yesterday to the vet. I have an appt this am for her. She still has runny poop, like liquid, and stomach cramps, but no fever. But she is still soooo skinny. Everything that goes in either comes out in liquid form, or the pups take it. They are gaining by at least one to two ounces per day, so the milk is good-it seems to be just with her. And she passes gas like a human. Loud and proud!

    But those puppies sure do know how to whine! I think the little red female will be called Tinkerbell. So, I have three names now, Starr, Zorro, and Tink. Now, if I can just come up with a name for the boy with the spot on the back that whines all the time. I can start with calling them something other than Puppy #1, 2, 3, and 4.

  • Hope Sugar will start to feel a bit better all she?ll be just skin &bones those little monsters they?ll take what they need as all babies do luckily the milk is of good quality.
    Call the little boy Whiner or Whinger ;)Love that little Tri girl can?t wait till I get my own Tri litter next fall if all goes as planned:)

  • The vet said that nothing is really wrong and just to watch her. Just keep giving her a bit of yogurt everyday because of the probiotics and some rice and scrambled eggs with her kibble. He didn't want to give her anything because of the puppies. I'll up her food to about 3 1/2 to 4 cups as well.

    Whiner-that's what I've been calling him, but I think he really needs a decent name, otherwise he will whine all the time!

  • A large spoon of canned pumpkin may firm up her stools. Yogurt is usually a good thing in moderation.

  • @nomrbddgs:

    I'll up her food to about 3 1/2 to 4 cups as well.

    Whoa my goodness I knew you up the food some but I didn't know it was that much! That's a lot! I had no idea. How much was she eating before she whelped??

  • One of the few times that I free feed is during the first 2wks after whelping… always food available.

  • She only got about 1 cup before to 1 1/4 cup per day. I'll try a bit of pumpkin too Robyn, thanks, I forgot about it being so worried about the diarreah and stomach cramps.

  • New update. I didn't have time the other day to elaborate on the trip to the vet, so I'll do so now. Took her in and did a fecal sample (I sort of knew there was nothing there) and turned out negative. This clinic tends to have a lot of breeders go to them and they are a farm clinic as well. He weighed her in and she weighed 8.2 kilos (about 18 lbs). The first thing he asked (temp was normal) was if she was a nervous dog. I said more needy than nervous. She doesn't normally care if I go out, but she tends to be very needy with me when I am there. (Remember I said she stresses easily and I wasn't sure this was a good idea) He said since everything is negative and she has no fever, no pyro, no signs of anything else, with bitches that are needy, especially if they have a first litter, a lot of their stresses come out in diarrhea form. He said to give her Kaolin and pumpkin wasn't bad as well as scrambled egg for the protein and nutrients and a bit of rice if she needs to settle her stomach. Her food (I've upped her to 3 3/4 cups) is fine, but if she doesn't start to gain weight to slowly switch her to puppy food for extra nutrients. (ha! A vet with a brain that works) Koalin's dosage is 1-2ml per kg. So she can have anywhere from 8-16 ml every six hours. He said if she doesn't get better on the 8, give her more til you hit the max. but also start at every 8 hours. Now, don't forget folks, this is a new vet for me, and I was unsure about this. This was not the vet I interviewed, because he was out on call, but another vet. This was a very good experience for me, because he didn't know me or my background, or Sugar's either. He also said at any time to call if she starts to lose more weight or doesn't improve. That night, because of the stresses of going to the vet, she did get worse. She'd sit on the floor, pass gas and pooped and cried about it. This is why I didn't want to ultimately take her, because I knew it would be worse after going there. But, I'm glad I did because I believe I have a decent vet clinic who actually knows something. She is slowly getting better and with me being home this weekend, she should relax somewhat. He also saw pics of the puppies and said they looked really good as well.

    An update on the puppies, This am little tri girl Starr, has one eye opened and is standing on all fours and walking. Leave it to a tri to lead the pack. They are all gaining. Yesterday tubbo Zorro was 22.5 oz. He started out at 9 oz. The little boy's name that whines all the time is now Talker. I will update pics later in the day.

  • I have found that eating too much volume at a time can also cause diarreah. I usually switch my girls to a high cal food, like the puppy version of the food they normally eat, so that I can feed less volume and still get the same amount of calories. I also free feed the nursing girl so she can eat smaller amounts through out the day to prevent stomach upset.

  • I hadn't chimed in previously because I don't have the experience in breeding. However; I remember reading an article about it and they did say that pregnant and lactating bitches benefit from eating a good quality puppy food. It does make perfect sense…

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