Breeding Plans
Since sperm is viable for up to three days after the breeding, the very last day should be Dec 31.
I hope that she doesn't make you wait that long, but fresh semen is viable longer than 3 days. Most of the reading I have done says around 7 days. Fresh chilled 2-3 days and the technology is improving. Frozen is only 12 hours.
As for not waiting as long for terriers, their season aren't usually as long as a basenjis so you are not usually looking at such a long window. Rally almost always ovulated on day 10 of her heat, except the year of Sophie's litter. I drove down to Arizona when her progesterone started to look like it was rising but she backed off and waited a whole 'nother 10 days. Avongara Cole was very particular about when he would breed her so was about as good as a progesterone test in predicting when they pups were born. Nicky has also been as accurate as a progesterone test in letting us know when ovulation was. My mom's boy Levi would breed any girl in season ovulating or not.
I hope that she doesn't make you wait that long, but fresh semen is viable longer than 3 days. Most of the reading I have done says around 7 days. Fresh chilled 2-3 days and the technology is improving. Frozen is only 12 hours.
Crap! Now the window is even longer-now to Jan 4? I'll be on pins and needles-mostly needles by then!!
If she goes much longer you may want to do an x-ray just to be sure it isn't a very small litter. Sometimes 1-2 puppy litters can require a c-section because the puppies aren't crowded and can either get too big for a natural birth or just wait so long that their placentas start deteriorating.
OMG!! I've been here just reading from the begining and I have to tell you I'm sooo excited for you!! I'm sure this will be the first thread I read when I get up in the morning, with mutiple checks in between before it's the last thing I check online before going to bed.
Good luck, prayers, and happy thoughts being sent your way.
OMG!! I'm sure this will be the first thread I read when I get up in the morning, with mutiple checks in between before it's the last thing I check online before going to bed.
Me too! I don't know how many times a day I think about the litters that have their own threads here. Alot.
Fingers crossed that the pups' humans will becomes active members so we continue to hear about the little darlings while they grow. -
I have found that the timing is totally dependent on what I "have" to do at work on a specific day. THe more critical that I have to be there - the more likely that would be the 'day'. Once I had to write a speech in the morning that my boss was going to give that PM and I just knew that I would have puppies (this was long before email and telecommunting). So I called the vet and asked - "If I bring in one dog to board for the day and she has puppies are you going to charge me for all of them?" They said no unless they had to assist. So I did have one litter born all by themselves at the vets office - the vet staff was amazed - and I got the speech done.
Go figure…. that's a Basenji for ya'. Always pulling a "fast one". Predictable is NOT a Basenji trait for sure!!! Guess that goes the same when it comes to laboring... LOL;) I am looking forward to seeing these cuties, too!
Go figure…. that's a Basenji for ya'. Always pulling a "fast one". Predictable is NOT a Basenji trait for sure!!! Guess that goes the same when it comes to laboring... LOL;) I am looking forward to seeing these cuties, too!
Ha! So true! I raced home from work, because they told me she was starting to nest and whining, so what does she do when I come home? GO TO SLEEP, ALL NIGHT! Nothing yet, I'm sorry to say. I hope to have something soon. Lisa if she doesn't go by Friday, I will take her in. Unless the puppies stop moving before then, or I don't hear heartbeats. Although last night at least three were rolling around separately. It's funny to see heads and feet stuck out an inch past the girls' ribs. Oh, the joys! I will keep you updated!
I believe so Robyn. She had them today-2 red boys, 1 red girl, and 1 tri girl. Here are pics'
Sorry, didn't have time to post them as I have to go to work, but I will later. And I will give more detailed description as well.