New (hopefully temporary) Addition to the family
wrote on 9 Jul 2008, 17:47 last edited by
My daughter has "rescued" a wild kitten from our pasture. I'm guessing he's about 6 weeks old. For a few days we had some serious kitten style hissing and spitting, but he has settled down and is doing very nicely. For reasons I'm not sure I understand she is calling him Knick Knack….the logic of a blonde 17 year old :)
Most of the time he gets along well with Eli as long as there is a crate between them. We haven't been brave enough to turn them loose together yet. Last night Knick Knack put his paw in Eli's mouth and Eli just licked him. From Eli's reaction so far I don't think he would purposefully hurt the baby but he might scare him.
Ignore the messy child's room and the date on the pic....I keep telling her she needs to fix that! (both the camera and messy room) ;)
wrote on 9 Jul 2008, 17:55 last edited by
Lovely kitten, I really like his markings :cool:
My dogs are not allowing me to get one :D :rolleyes: -
wrote on 9 Jul 2008, 17:56 last edited by
Good luck with the new addition being temporary. My little sister rescued a kitten who had been left in a bag in the creek in our neighborhood when she was ten. My dad said that it was only temporary, and that she had to find the owners. My sister is now 24, lives on her own with her boyfriend (and a rather large dog) and the cat still lives with my folks.
But he is very cute!
wrote on 9 Jul 2008, 17:57 last edited by
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for "Temporary". Amanda (human child) leaves for college in a month!
I told her I was going to evict Knick Knack back to the barn if she hadn't found a home for him before she leaves. She laughed at me lol
wrote on 9 Jul 2008, 19:37 last edited by
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for "Temporary". Amanda (human child) leaves for college in a month!
I told her I was going to evict Knick Knack back to the barn if she hadn't found a home for him before she leaves. She laughed at me lol
Ah…she's going back to college. That explains why she named the kitty "Knick Knack". Everyone knows you leave your knick knacks at home when you go off to college. :D :D
wrote on 9 Jul 2008, 19:45 last edited by
Ah…she's going back to college. That explains why she named the kitty "Knick Knack". Everyone knows you leave your knick knacks at home when you go off to college. :D :D
Ha, ha, ha…so true!!! And based on that, good luck with the "temporary" kitten.
wrote on 9 Jul 2008, 19:53 last edited by
Thanks ya'll…I feel so much better about my chances now! :eek:
wrote on 9 Jul 2008, 21:14 last edited by
What a sweetie….
I used to be just like your daughter.. haha.. I brought home little kittens (or a chicken, ferret..) all the time. They were NEVER allowed to stay.. but.. They all did :D
wrote on 9 Jul 2008, 21:46 last edited by
We will have to have a kitty update soon!
wrote on 10 Jul 2008, 02:28 last edited by
Cute kitty! If my husband wasn't allergic I might be tempted to make a trip to SC!
wrote on 10 Jul 2008, 03:37 last edited by
Hmmmmm, I am betting on "not" temporary…...
wrote on 10 Jul 2008, 13:44 last edited by
Last night we let Eli and Knick Knack out together. At first Knick ran, which made Eli want to chase of course. We put them up on Amanda's bed together and within a couple of minutes they were playing. Several times Eli had the kitten's whole head in his mouth. E had to clean the baby's ears and lick him all over, he was so sweet and gentle. They were very cute together….I think I just lost the "temporary" battle.
Unfortunately since I wasn't sure how it would go (in case the licking was really just tasting ;)) I didn't have any hands free for the camera. Maybe I can get some pictures tonight.
wrote on 10 Jul 2008, 13:54 last edited by
Yes.. pics please..
:D :D