Smells the B hates:
Medjai doesn't like the carmex, or any alcohol. The more he shakes his head and curls his lip, the higher proof the drink is. I like that because I don't have to worry about him trying to drink anything.
Hah, I noticed this also with anything that contains alcohol. Except, my B will still try to drink it. He has a rather strong curiosity for red wine and scotch. I never let him drink any, but if I'm not watching him closely, i'll see him trying to stick his tongue in the glass.
Yet if I take a deep breath after having a drink, he will paw at his face from the smell of alcohol. Funny dog. :D
There is a fellow in north Georgia who is working with a basenji pup for tracking and possibly bomb detection. He has worked with bloodhounds in the past and is very impressed with the basenji's ability!
Yep, they must have a pretty good sense of smell. Bella is ticking off the squirrels in my back yard. She sniffs around the yard, then digs up the acorns they buried last fall and eats them. :p
Ours will drink wine and beer. Lexi HATES the smell of a banana. When I peel it, sometimes we let her smell it and then runs all over the house. It's so funny and sometimes we chase her with it (good naturedly) and she goes nuts and spins on the bed all playfully.
She will roll in anything mint flavored or scented. She also loves to roll in leather and will stick her face in ANY stinky shoe and go bizurk. It's hilarious!!
Tea Tree Oil. This stuff is great to keep the dogs from licking a spot. They absolutely hate the smell. When I have to use it the poor dog who ends up with it on looks like they are repulsed by their own odor.
Plus the tea tree oil is great for healing!
Ours will drink wine and beer. Lexi HATES the smell of a banana. When I peel it, sometimes we let her smell it and then runs all over the house. It's so funny and sometimes we chase her with it (good naturedly) and she goes nuts and spins on the bed all playfully.
She will roll in anything mint flavored or scented. She also loves to roll in leather and will stick her face in ANY stinky shoe and go bizurk. It's hilarious!!
The video is ADORABLE!
Just wondering….rolling and/or rubbing on scents is called self-anointing. In wild animal studies they are researching if this is an innate behavior to mask personal scents or to repel external parasites. (Pandas, not only in our United States, but in China breeding facilities, many times choose to anoint with scents that are not found in their natural habitat.)
I wonder then, are our dogs also self anointers as a throw back to their wild heritage, or are they just plain strange? Does anyone else have dogs with scent preferences (other than the nasty dead/decayed stuff they find on a regular basis) My Kate is a 'nasty' scent anointer, Tyler will rub on apple scents.