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Bed warmers :)

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  • I got up for a min to run to the bathroom i was gone maybe 2 mins and i come back to lay in my comfortable warm bed and this is what i find so much for laying back in my warm side lol lol :) :p :D


  • Aren't they great? Good dogs AND keep our beds warm!

    Here's Shango waiting to tell ME that it's bedtime :-P

  • My old guys sit in front of the bed just waiting for the covers to be lifted so they can get under… and find their spot.. and if you think you were going to take that spot... think again

  • At bedtime we all go to bed together. Little Lola is straight under the covers immediately. If you're laying on a couch or bed with no blanket, she gets almost aggressive nosing your arm & seems offended that you aren't lifting covers for her. She curls up in between my legs. Booger sits near the head of the bed by my side until everybody is settled in, then he noses for me to lift the covers. He walks underneath, and if Lola is already between my legs he gets huffy because that used to be his spot. Sometimes they can both sleep there without arguement, sometimes Lola gets pushed out to sleep curled in my arm & sometimes Booger ends up sleeping curled against my side. By morning I am always sore because when I wake up to change positions, I have to move delicately so as not to disturb Andrew or the dogs. If I get up to go to the bathroom & I'm quiet & quick, they won't even move & when I get back into bed I have to squeeze my body in and around in. But they do keep me warm ;)

  • I have to wake up to lift the covers as Rosie decides to get on top of them because she's hot, and then get under them again, because she's gotten cold. It can happen 5 - 6 times in a night!

  • EL D gets a little crazy when its time to go to bed – he doesn't like me staying up later than usual :). Then he'll push at me to let him under the covers. Then of course he hogs half the bed :D

  • @jaclempner:

    I have to wake up to lift the covers as Rosie decides to get on top of them because she's hot, and then get under them again, because she's gotten cold. It can happen 5 - 6 times in a night!

    Tosca does this every night too…in and and out. And no matter what, whenever I go to the bathroom I come back and she is sitting staring at me, right in front of my pillow where I lay, no clue why she picks that exact spot EVERY time...when I am there she just lays under the covers by my legs.

  • When we would go camping in the fifth wheel the little girl who is pictured above would tell us when it was time to go to bed. She would stand at the top of the steps and stare at us. She would sleep under the pillows right between out heads. (my hubby usually got the rear end pointed in her direction.) One night we thought we lost her. I was in the kitchen and my husband was in the shower. When he came out of the shower she was gone! We hadn't turned the covers back and removed the extra pillows yet. When we did that we found her snuggled all up in a little ball under all the pillows!!

  • Mine are all snugglers and bed warmers, but Eddie is the hottest basenji I have ever known! He is the one that is in and out of the covers all night long, topper & Nicky usually settle under-cover and are set for the night. But if I get up to go to the bathroom, I am reminded of the Simon & Garfunkel song '"Cecilia…"I got up to wash my face, when I come back to bed someone's taken my place".

    Anne in Tampa

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