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Looking for dark brindle picture…

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  • I don't know.. But I would love to see pictures of your brindle!

  • I just put a few pictures from the dog park in our photo album in member galleries. I also created an album of just her, but it only has recent pics. I'll try to get some of her baby pics of (we even managed to get a few when she was only 5 weeks old & we were first introduced to her!) up later…. they are sooo cute!

  • Wow…your little girl is even darker than Zaire.....What a cutie. :D

  • @Andrew:

    I just put a few pictures from the dog park in our photo album in member galleries. I also created an album of just her, but it only has recent pics. I'll try to get some of her baby pics of (we even managed to get a few when she was only 5 weeks old & we were first introduced to her!) up later…. they are sooo cute!

    She's lovely! Love her colour! She really is dark! Can't wait to see her baby pics!

  • Thanks for the compliments! I love her showing her off… I'm sure nobody around here understands that ;) We get LOADS of compliments at the park with the two of them. They are really striking together, and so few people have ever seen real live basenjis.

    I just put up her puppy pics, too.

  • Lovely coloration.
    I am very fond of brindle b's!

  • Your girl is indeed very dark but I have seen one brindle who was darker still. Solo was born to a local breeder and when I saw her a couple days after birth, finding any red in her coat was a challenge. She is indeed a brindle though the extreme width and unclear pattern of her striping is a fault as per the AKC breed standard. Both of her parents were very dark brindles.

    At 10 weeks:

    As an adult:

    And a headshot, showing a glimmer of red:

  • Wow, that is one dark brindle.
    Myself, I think form and structure is so much more important than color…
    course, I am not a breeder.
    Lovely dog, no matter what the AKC says!

  • ooooohhh. I want one of the dark/liver brindles sooo bad.

  • We haven't come across many brindles that are so dark. We love it. But now Andrew wants one of the light brindles & I want a tri so we're arguing…. there's a tri up for adoption on BRAT in our area, but I haven't convinced him yet.

  • @Andrew:

    We haven't come across many brindles that are so dark. We love it. But now Andrew wants one of the light brindles & I want a tri so we're arguing…. there's a tri up for adoption on BRAT in our area, but I haven't convinced him yet.

    Tri is certainly my favorite!

  • Mine too :) I love all the colors but i lean alittle more towards the tri :)

  • We joke that we are going to collect the whole set. We still need a light brindle, black & white, tri, trindle….....

  • @YodelDogs:

    Your girl is indeed very dark but I have seen one brindle who was darker still. Solo was born to a local breeder and when I saw her a couple days after birth, finding any red in her coat was a challenge. She is indeed a brindle though the extreme width and unclear pattern of her striping is a fault as per the AKC breed standard. Both of her parents were very dark brindles.

    At 10 weeks:

    As an adult:

    And a headshot, showing a glimmer of red:

    That dog is BEAUTIFUL. Have you seen anymore with that coloration? I would love to have a light brindle or b/w but that would satisfy me and we could move onto a Tri or Trindle.


  • Your pup Lola is very pretty. I don't have a basenji yet, and I don't post often, but when I was looking through posts I saw pictures of a dark brindle like Lola from a member I think named WBL, don't think she has posted in awhile; she has a very handsome dark brindle male

  • @basenji_fan:

    Your pup Lola is very pretty. I don't have a basenji yet, and I don't post often, but when I was looking through posts I saw pictures of a dark brindle like Lola from a member I think named WBL, don't think she has posted in awhile; she has a very handsome dark brindle male

    Thanks! Those are the ones I was looking for! Appreciate the help.

  • Hmmm - I posted a baby puppy pic with puppy in a hand that was dark brindle, and I think I posted pics of Foxy and Cami and Cami is a very dark brindle so the pic was of a red and a brindle.

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    @Rita: Dan how did you do that? You will have to go step by step my daughter and I both could not get them on here. I see them great from you help me please got lots more want to put on here. Got some of her chasing the kids play plane that fly's. Buana your so correct innocent is that really a word. We love her to death but she is a hand full. At the is not a dull second most of the time. How are you doing? Are you getting some rest? Third question what is the due date? Thank you Holly and crystalncody. Rita Jean I posted them from your album as I was curious to see and help you if I could do it. OK here's the steps. 1.Start your new thread in Basenji Forums. Type in what you want to start it off with. **2.**Now open another browser tab so you can open your photo album separate. **3.**Open a picture from your album. **4.**With your mouse pointer on the picture, right click on the picture. A box will open with a line that says "properties". 5.Click on that and another box will open up. On the line that says "Location", just take your mouse pointer and put it right at the the start of the http…...... and hold the left side button of your mouse down and drag it all the way across to the right until it stops. The long line of numbers should be darkened. The last letters on that line should be"jpg" Let go of the button. **6.**Put the mouse pointer on that area anywhere and right click your mouse and choose "Copy". **7.**Now you have to go back to Basenji Forums. **8.**You see those icons on top for formatting, click on that yellow square box that looks like a picture of a mountain with a moon, click on that. A box will open that says Please enter the URL of your image: Put your mouse on that line and right click and paste that long line you copied in there and then click "OK". **9.**It will now put that line of information onto your thread. You will see that same address now but no picture. That's OK because when you're done you'll see them. **10.**At the beginning and end of that line should be . Put your mouse right after that one on the end and click so your curser is blinking and then hit "enter" on your keyboard so it goes down a line. Now you can type in what you want to describe that picture that will show up. Now click "enter" again to go down a line 11.Now go back to your album and do those same steps again for the rest of pictures. I will now try it. [image: 374821752.jpg] Isn't Jaycee cute! [image: 374821745.jpg] I'm ready for a show!
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