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North Georgia Play Date

Basenji Meetups & Events
  • Rats! Just a bit too far away for us to attend! Hope others in the area attend and you can post pictures.


  • Hi Andrew,

    I would love to come check this out with Zip and Riley. Hopefully I can rely on our trusty GPS to get me there!

  • Its really easy to find & I can give you really good directions.
    I assume you'll be coming from 285. Take 285 east to Peachtree Industrial Blvd North (exit 29 or 31…) Take Peachtree Industrial North for 6-7 miles & turn right onto South Old Peachtree Rd. There is a shell station & a dairy queen at the intersection.
    Turn right at the next light into the park. Go past the baseball fields & take a left into the parking lot. Go to the end of the parking lot & there's the park. Very simple. Hope to see you there!!

  • Hey Andrew

    In case it's just the 2 of us (plus significant others) who are planning to meet up tomorrow, is there any way we could make it a little later? Like 1pm? Liz has to pick her Dad up from the airport at 11am and she would love to come too but she can't until a little later. I think I have enabled the option in my profile to send me an e-mail. If not it's nicki dot elizabeth at gmail dot com. Let me know!

  • We'll stick w/ 11 unless I hear otherwise from you. I'll check early in the morning.

  • Sorry about that! Didn't look at the forum after work last night!
    Would have loved to have met Liz…. but we did have a lot of fun!

  • She'll be there next weekend :)
    I"ll put pictures up soon, just have to wake up. Something about 2 dogs just sitting and looking at me from their crate at 7 in the morning is enough to get up. Because I can much easier manage to let them outside than clean up an accident when I'm only half awake!

  • We'll be up there tomorrow around 11 again.

  • I can't believe I never posted pictures, what a little slacker!!!! We'll see you tomorrow :)

  • Here they are!

    The only one I got of all 4 B's. And all of them showing me their tails :)

    Getting to know you…..Zip, Riley and Lola

    The "adults". Can you tell it was hot out?

    Zip, Lola, Booger

    The pups.

  • They look so happy to be hanging out together!


  • And hot…gggg.. while hanging out together...

  • The pics are so cute! Thanks for posting them! Lola is sitting in my lap admiring herself on the screen! Haha.

  • Looks like you guys had a fabulous time! I wish I could have been there but I had a very good reason for missing it. I was interviewing people who were interested in adopting Rocky and I am happy to announce that Rocky now has a new home!

    Let me know if you will be having another meet up though. Perhaps I can come too. :)

  • @YodelDogs:

    Looks like you guys had a fabulous time! I wish I could have been there but I had a very good reason for missing it. I was interviewing people who were interested in adopting Rocky and I am happy to announce that Rocky now has a new home!

    Let me know if you will be having another meet up though. Perhaps I can come too. :)

    Hooray for Rocky!!
    We met up again today & at one point I actually said "I was hoping to meet Robin and her dogs." So it would be lovely to meet you! Andrew & I will be up there again next Saturday at 11, although I will probably take the kids on an outing at some point tomorrow morning & if you're available we would love to meet you as well! I'll try to check the forum when I get home from work tonight to see if you'd like to meet in the morning.

  • We'd love to see you next week Robyn! And I'm so glad Rocky has a home, that's great! Will you be at the SONG practice on the 29th?

  • Just a reminder, we're meeting up again this Saturday at 11 am for anybody who hasn't been able to make it yet or anybody lurking on the forum but not posting :)

  • Come out lurkers! Come out!

  • Just another reminder we'll be at the park again this Saturday at 11. Anybody else planning on coming out? (I'll bring the chic-fil-a for those who need help getting out of bed ;) )

  • LOL! I took my computer over and showed Liz. She was like " that towards ME?!?!"
    Saturday, hopefully. I'll try my best. It might necessitate putting a chicken biscuit under her nose and luring her to the car.

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