Just a quick update on Jackpot…we found out that he does like hot dogs...so that is our treat we are using now. He also likes his bully stick (A LOT)...to the point where I let him chew on it for 10 minutes or so and then I take it away. He hasn't had a problem with me taking it away.
He hasn't thrown up since he's eaten (I threw a couple of very tiny pieces of hot dog in with his dry food) and he ate all the hot dog and a bit of the dry food. He's been drinking a little more water and he seems to have a lot more energy today (playing with toys, etc...where as for the past few days he was pretty listless and sleeping a lot).
I think we are going to try some wet food and see if we can "trick" him into eating some more without having to use hot dogs in everything
We took Jackpot out to go potty and he was very calm around a very psycho pomeranian who was barking up a storm and straining on the edge of its leash...Jackpot just sat by us and focused on his treat...what a difference it makes when we can hold his attention with something! I contacted the animal behaviorist and we are going to get together early next week so that she can meet Jackpot and we can begin the "intervention" 
Thanks all for your input and suggestions (the hot dogs were a huge hit) and the advice to scale down all the stimulation was very helpful!