Hi ā
I just adopted a dog who is not a purebred basenji. I don't know her parentage, but she's very obviously basenji and ... who knows?
If that disqualifies me -- please let me know! I'll jump off.
My dog is about one year old. She's mid-sized - 25-30 lbs - and, except for the white feet and curly tail set, looks and behaves very much like basenjis (as described in various websites.)
She's sandy colored, with a white chest. Her ears are erect, and when she focuses intently, she gets wrinkles between them. She has the long, lithe body form, as well.
Her personality -- she's very non-vocal, except for a little whine or so. She WILL bark, however, if someone comes to the door, or at strangers (men, especially. I think she may have been abused or neglected.) No yodels.
However, she's very sweet and personable. She loves cheese. She is non-destructive (so far) and curls up nicely and goes to sleep.
I have a fenced in yard -- and she runs like a (happy) fool when she's out. I would never walk her off leash. She heels with difficulty... even stands up and walks on her hind legs, sometimes. I know she'd be off like a shot.
If this forum is all about purebred -- it's not the right place for Sheba and me.
But it'd be great to chat with folks who know about basenjis -- even if Sheba's not 100 percent (she's spayed, btw.)
Thanks -- Sheba's New Mommy