• LOL! So it seems to be typical behavior… Nice!

  • @gbroxon:

    I know the feeling(s)!

    Magnum: "Hey, you lookin' at me? Stop it. I gotta job to do."
    Me: "I wasn't lookin'. Really. Go already!"

    Magnum: "This looks like a good spot. Hey, is that leaf moving?!? I can't go now. That leaf obviously has ulterior motives. I must investigate."
    Me: "It's just a LEAF!"

    Magnum: "Why squat around in one spot? What's the point? Howzabout spreadin' the joy!?"
    Me: "Howzabout you pick up your own mess?"

    Magnum: "Okay, I'm done. Now rub my bum."
    Me: "Do I have to?"

    😃 😃 😃

    hahaha oh my was that ever funny, and yes Tucker I think most B's will do that, mine definitly does the "twirl a whirl" and the "walk about while you squat"!

  • Baroo likes to hold it until the last possible minute, then searches frantically for just the right spot, does the twirl dance about 5 times, then finally gets to it, but half-way through he decides he wants to walk off, so it is spread all around. He finally finishes, so I search for it and pick it up, then we are on our way. Less than a block later he has to go again. He did this to me several times before I started taking 2 bags. Once you have tied that first bag, there is no getting it open again, and I woudn't want to anyways! Now I bring at least 2 bags, just in case!

    While we are on the subject, one time I was walking a friends dog along a busy street, and we went to cross at the 4-way stop, and this dog decides it needed to go at that very moment. So there I am in the middle of the street waiting for this dog to finish her business (which, just my luck, is taking forever) with cars at all 4 stops signs waiting on this dog to poop. I must have stood there holding up traffic for a good 2 minutes. I could see the embarasment in peoples faces. It was horrible! :eek:

  • Tiggy takes forever if we are away from home, at home he usually wants to run back inside but I tell him go potty then he'll run back out, investigate earlier business areas circle a few times and go, thankfully he does it in one place, my boxer is the one that likes to take a few steps

  • Mia that was so funny 😃 😃

  • OMG! These dogs are hysterical 😃 😃 Look what THEY have US talking about over here!!! 😃 :eek: Topaz is so similar…she is so afraid someone might actually SEE her doing the "deed" 😕

    Topaz isn't a walker/pooper she's more of I neeed to walk about 4 feet and then find a "good spot." 🙂

    Kinda like..walk walk...squat..OH that won't do!
    walk walk walk..squat..UH OH NOPE that won't do
    walk walk squat...EH not quite right!
    walk walk squat...I think we have a winner here mom! 😃

  • @lovemybaroo:

    Baroo likes to hold it until the last possible minute, then searches frantically for just the right spot, does the twirl dance about 5 times, then finally gets to it, but half-way through he decides he wants to walk off, so it is spread all around. He finally finishes, so I search for it and pick it up, then we are on our way. Less than a block later he has to go again. He did this to me several times before I started taking 2 bags. Once you have tied that first bag, there is no getting it open again, and I woudn't want to anyways! Now I bring at least 2 bags, just in case!

    While we are on the subject, one time I was walking a friends dog along a busy street, and we went to cross at the 4-way stop, and this dog decides it needed to go at that very moment. So there I am in the middle of the street waiting for this dog to finish her business (which, just my luck, is taking forever) with cars at all 4 stops signs waiting on this dog to poop. I must have stood there holding up traffic for a good 2 minutes. I could see the embarasment in peoples faces. It was horrible! :eek:

    Lol my parents took Mia on a walk and the same thing happend, they pressed the walk button and while crossing she deceided that was the "spot" lol, they were also quite embarassed!…she also goes 2-3 times on long walks, so we just got the "bags on board" holder and tied it to her leash, makes for an extra handle to hold her back when she's pulling too lol

  • This morning, Tucker found a new 'spot' in a recess in my condo community. Small trees and some low lying shrubs. He started his business (after making sure the coast was clear) and, since he typically walks in a straight line, walked right into a wall until his neck was bent so sharply he couldn't go any further…it was hilarious. He just kept taking steps but, to his dismay, the wall wouldn't move for him...he just kept taking the steps, even though he wasn't actually travelling. I don't think the concept of a right or left turn even occurred to him. FREAK!

  • rocky wont go on a leash.. unless you walk him a half mile.. lol he stays outside forever and circles around and continues walking in that circle as he goes.. so its a circle of poo .. lol

  • Mejai will go to the bathroom on a leash, but if he is not on one, he will run far away from me before going to the bathroom, think about it, look around, go and then come right back. (only for food)

  • Goober poops like this, except he doesn't care if anyone sees. once a cop stopped as he was going to remind me that i needed a bag. Goober yodeled in the voice of a 1930s gangster saying "you'll never take me alive, copper!"

  • What a great way to start the morning - laughing like crazy - and it's all just c##p 😃

  • I came across this on ebay- it is pretty funny, but it might also be practical for those dogs who just don't like to be watched!

    This is the poop tent:

    From the website:

    The Poop Tent Dog Tents allow dogs to relieve themselves in bad weather!

    This outdoor relief station is a water-proof tent (4 feet x 4 feet x 3 feet) which will keep your dogs dry in the rain and snow. The Poop Tent is hailed by veterinarians as a shelter for sick and injured dogs, as well as dogs who simply don't want to get wet!

    The Poop Tent is easy to set-up and disassemble. It has an open bottom with cross ventilation through the front door and back window.

    Pop open this puppy port-a-potty - right before bad weather strikes - near your dogs' favorite spot. Place some of their waste in the tent to introduce them to its purpose.

    I saw this and laughed thinking of all of you and your poop shy pups! Apparently you guys aren't the only ones! :p

  • Oh man I can't believe it 😃 😃

  • You can't be serious :eek:

  • They think of everything for dogs now-a-days don't they? :p That's pretty ridiculous though and just a bit much if you ask me.

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