Gosh..I haven't posted on this issue of getting the second dog because at this moment, I only have one. (Fingers crossed that we'll be able to change that.:) ) However, I would like to make some comments on responses, hurt feelings, etc.
Although most of us have never met anyone else on this forum in person, we have this feeling of family or friendship based on a common insanely devoted love of our basenjis and the breed itself. This is a dog that often our local "face to face" friends and family members don't understand. (And maybe even think we've gone overboard about.) If one of our non-basenji forum friends asks us for advice, we have the advantage of knowing them well enough to know how much advice they really want and how to present it. Even more importantly, we have the advantage of giving the advice face to face and being able to read body language to see that they are taking it the wrong way. Even with that advantage, I know all of us have probably had the experience of giving what we thought was good and caring advice and have had the other person mistake it for criticism and/or meddling. (I know I've had my daughter tell me a time or two that I'm a know it all! :D) There are also regional differences in how advice is given and received. I discovered that when my father in law married someone from another country and she was considerably more blunt that what I was used to and my feelings were hurt a lot. Luckily, a perceptive friend pointed this out to me and things got better. This is truly a nationwide and worldwide family of friends. That is a lot of regional differences! (Down here Georgia, we know that we can get away with saying just about anything about anyone if we start or end the statement with "Bless her/his heart!".)
Some of the people on this forum have owned basenjis (often multiple ones at one time) for many, many years and some are breeders. (I fall into neither group. We have only had our one basenji, Cory, for 4 1/2 mos. But we researched and waited for the "right time" to own a B for 15 years.) I don't think any of those people mean to hurt any feelings. That isn't their intent. I think it is a case of "been there and done that" or "seen that". For the sake of your dogs, your family, and you, I think they are just trying to give you a heads up. I honestly don't think they mean to give the impression that they are insulting you. Please, please don't mistake deep concern for criticism.
Please don't stop posting on the forum. It is a great source of info and support. If it doesn't work out or if you have problems that you need help with, I don't think anyone here would say "I told you so". (And if they say "I was afraid of that"….that does NOT mean "I told you so".) If it works out great, everyone will be thrilled for you and your family.
If the people here didn't care about you and your dogs, they'd just say nothing. It wouldn't be worthy of their time and effort to give you their thoughts.
So...Hoping that everything works out and you don't go away,