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Oba needs a new name

Basenji Puppy Pen
  • She kinda looks like a Bailey or maybe Bonnie to me, she is very cute and congrats on the new addition. Has she meet Baroo yet?

  • @WBL:

    She kinda looks like a Bailey or maybe Bonnie to me, she is very cute and congrats on the new addition. Has she meet Baroo yet?

    OH, Bailey is cute! I'll vote for that – it's a cute name; it seems to fit the photo, and .... this way I don't have to try to come up with something else on my own :rolleyes:

  • Personally I like Bailey!

  • It's funny, I was actually thinking Sheba or Bailey too, but I kept looking just because they are so common and I don't know if I want that. They are cute though. She could be either one. Sheba is close to Oba. I am thinking a name that ends in "ba" so it will be easier to adjust to.
    No, she has not met Baroo yet, but we are driving 2 hours to Burbank on Saturday to meet her and see how they do. He loves other dogs, so I am sure they will be best buddies!

  • @lovemybaroo:

    It's funny, I was actually thinking Sheba or Bailey too, but I kept looking just because they are so common and I don't know if I want that. They are cute though. She could be either one. Sheba is close to Oba. I am thinking a name that ends in "ba" so it will be easier to adjust to.
    No, she has not met Baroo yet, but we are driving 2 hours to Burbank on Saturday to meet her and see how they do. He loves other dogs, so I am sure they will be best buddies!

    I think she's young enough that a name change won't be too tough – esp. if every time she hears "Bailey!" there's a cookie nearby. :)

    Just remember, even if they get along great in Burbank, there will still be adjustment issues for Baroo when he realizes that she ain't leaving once she arrives at HIS house.

  • I found the easiest way to change their name is to use both. I had rescued and foster a boxer a few yrs ago and her name was Princess and it didn't fit her at all, we changed it to Chasey and we just used Princess Chasey for about 2 weeks and then dropped the princess part it was real easy and she was two

  • @JazzysMom:

    I think she's young enough that a name change won't be too tough – esp. if every time she hears "Bailey!" there's a cookie nearby. :)

    Just remember, even if they get along great in Burbank, there will still be adjustment issues for Baroo when he realizes that she ain't leaving once she arrives at HIS house.

    Totally correct… and are you still having issues with Baroo? You could be letting yourself in for a world of problems by bring in another dog unless all the issues with Baroo are resolved?

  • Well Dh is totally not into either name, so now I have to start again.
    I am not really worried that they won't get along. I know Baroo is very lonely and needs a companion. And as far as his behavior goes, he has been doing great. We have been doing a lot of training, and he is doing better than I ever expected! He is really good on walks now, and he has improved on just about everything else, except stealing food, but I don't think that will change! I am really shocked how far he has come in the last month. I never thought I would be ready to get another so soon, but I don't doubt the descision at all. I work with Baroo everyday, so it won't be all too much different to add another. From what I understand, they have started training her and she is pretty well behaved for a basenji puppy. It will be interesting to see if she is more basenji or german shepard. I can't wait to meet her!

  • Hopefully she is already spayed? and she certainly looks more shepard then Basenji….

  • Yes, she is spayed. Baroo will be neutered on Thursday, and although I was concerned that it might be risky doing it so close to bringing her home, the vet had assured me that he will have healed enough. I definately wanted that done before she comes home, because I didn't want it to be an issue. I was just worried about rough play and him maybe ripping his stitches. I know there will be a lot of butt sniffing going on, so hopefully that won't be a problem!

  • @lovemybaroo:

    Yes, she is spayed. Baroo will be neutered on Thursday, and although I was concerned that it might be risky doing it so close to bringing her home, the vet had assured me that he will have healed enough. I definately wanted that done before she comes home, because I didn't want it to be an issue. I was just worried about rough play and him maybe ripping his stitches. I know there will be a lot of butt sniffing going on, so hopefully that won't be a problem!

    He's being neutered on Thursday and you're bring the other dog home on Saturday? THAT could be interesting.

    I know Keoki recovered quickly, but he wasn't dealing with a new dog, just the old ones. Our vet STRONGLY recommended that he remain calm for at least three days, no strenuous exercise/play for one week, but preferably to try for two weeks.
    It strikes me as odd that your vet says two days is enough recovery before tossing a new dog in.
    Maybe I'm wrong….?

  • Not to be a downer, but if I had a vet telling me that 2 days after my dog was neutered I could introduce a new dog into the house, I'd be looking for a new vet. Seriously…I know you want the new dog, but I would give Baroo a chance to heal and be back to himself before possibly throwing his world upside down by bringing in a new dog. Do you have a plan if they don't like each other right off or there are territory issues or jealousy issues? Especially in light of the fact that Baroo will be in somewhat delicate shape at the point of the intro.

    And to further Pat's point about there being potential problems given the difficulties you've had with Baroo and the time you've had available for him because of a young child, are you sure you are thinking this thru...a toddler, a perpetual 2 year old (Baroo the basenji) and an 8 month old pup. Wow.

  • @lovemybaroo:

    Yes, she is spayed. Baroo will be neutered on Thursday, and although I was concerned that it might be risky doing it so close to bringing her home, the vet had assured me that he will have healed enough. I definately wanted that done before she comes home, because I didn't want it to be an issue. I was just worried about rough play and him maybe ripping his stitches. I know there will be a lot of butt sniffing going on, so hopefully that won't be a problem!

    Huh? healed enough by the weekend? I don't think so…. Would not be high on my list of things to do right before bring home another dog....

  • I understand your concern and I am going to see how things go with Baroo on friday and decide what to do then. The only problem is timing is not great. Both me and DH have to go get her, and he is in the Navy and scheduled to leave for Hawaii for 4 weeks after this weekend, and that is a long time for them to hold her. I don't want to risk bringing her home without him here because I am afraid she wouldn't accept him after he comes home, not to mention I don't think it is a good idea to try to do this all on my own at first. If she were in town it might be different, but I will have to make a 2 hour trip to get her, and with Baroo and my son and her I would need another pair of hands. Then there is always the chance they will adopt her out to someone else, and I don't want to loose her. I do want to do what is best though, so I will see how things go.
    I know some of you are worried that I am taking on another dog after having problems with the one I have, but I am confident that I know what I am doing, and of the progress I have made with Baroo, and I am willing to take on the challange. I have rearranged my schedule to include a lot more time for Baroo, and it has worked out great. I wouldn't take on another if I wasn't sure I could handle it. I am not irresponsible with my pets and I know what I am getting into this time.
    If they don't get along at first, they both have crates and I will keep them seperated for most of the day if need be. Baroo is not jealous or territorial when it comes to us and other dogs. He is pretty laid back, and I understand that it could be different with another dog, but I can't focus just on the negative. I know my dog and I wouldn't do something that I thought wasn't good for him or us.

  • Wow, you are asking for alot…. IMO.... and I am thinking that you are just setting yourself up for failure... especially with your husband leaving for 4 wks... now you have a baby and two dogs, one being new and one just being neutered that you already have problems with... It would be much better if you spent the time with your son and Baroo during this time and keep working on his issues with you... one month of "good" things can change in a single minute... there will be others to adopt down the line when you are really ready.... and it really has nothing to do with Baroo and what he might feel with the new pup... but you being alone without your DH.... and just your son that needs your most of your time. If I were you, I would really think about this idea... as for me... IMO... it is not a good choice for you, Baroo or the new young shepard mix... believe me, while you say if there is a problem you will keep them separated... ask the people here that "have" to seperate their packs.. it is not fun and it is NOT easy....

  • And believe me, if Baroo is neutered on Thursday… you will have no idea on Friday if he would be ready for an addition of another dog to the home.. and there is no way that he would be...

    Please think about it... he had surgery... and you are going to upset his home with a new dog?...

  • @tanza:

    Please think about it… he had surgery... and you are going to upset his home with a new dog?...

    Also with this, you are suppose to keep a dog calm for at least 5-7 days after his surgery. Adding a new dog is doing to put a lot of excitment and stress into your home.

    We're not trying to say that adding a new dog is a bad thing, we're saying that the timing with Baroo's surgery and your husband leaving for TDY. Also just the weekend isn't going to give this new dog and your husband time to bond, she might not even remember him after having only met him for two days and then he's gone again. Here's why I say this, my boxer Reggie was 4 months when I got him in Oct '02. In Feb '03 my husband was deployed for 8 months and it was just me and Reggie. What did Reggie do when my husband got home, well he tried to eat him, literally, because he didn't really remember him and basically this was a stranger coming into our home. Thats why in all honesty a weekend isn't gonna mean squat to the new dog, if Reggie didn't really remember my husband who he had been with for 3 1/2 months before seperate, do you really expect this dog to remember yours?

  • Hello All,
    I wanted to start off by thanking each and every one of you for your replies. Some of you have helped us with inventive and insightful ideas. I think that even in raising your pets it is essential to hear opinions from others. I want to express my gratitude for the help that some of you have provided.

    However, there seems to be a reoccurring addition to the help. I want to make it apparently clear that my wife is not only fully capable to run this entire household by herself; it is something her massive heart for everything can handle. I came home from a couple weeks away and found my house swarming with the worst 5 children (plus one..Ryan is such a good son) I have ever seen. With her hero type presence she made a beautiful grassy knoll out of a miserable hell of a night. She has overcome more bull in her life that another dog in the house, regardless of age, will be but a mere ripple in the pool. My son, Ryan, is by far the most self sustaining child I have ever met. As I sit on the floor ready to play, he is fully content just having fun with his toys. He can spend hours entertaining himself, and he does it willingly (I try and play and he doesn't want Daddy to play with his toys). Between Baroo and the baby, and Buddy, our cat (who hates my wife with a passion…for some strange reason), She has succeeded time and again to the point where it looks easy as pie.
    Now do not take me the wrong way, I can take criticism as much as the next person, but Becky is strong and I will not stand for anyone thinking she cannot do things. To tell you the truth, there are so many kind people on here that it amazes me how much you can really get to know and understand each other. And for those of you who think that you know it all ( for some odd reason {....}) I just have to say that, there are many kinds of advice, and I am grateful for those who understand what my wife is asking help for, but if there is anyone here that thinks they are genuinely superior because of their own experiences, than I am sorry that you have wasted your time, because until you understand fully who we are and what direction our lives take us than you cannot hope to help in any situation.

    I do not want any of you who have helped and given ADVICE, instead of .... the IMO's or "if I were you" s, dare I say, to think that this is directed towards you. And if I have offended you, just know that I won't be posting here, and this is in no way how Becky herself feels. Thank you for your time.

    -Allan....(DH) <---I like that nickname.

  • I don't think anyone is trying to say "You aren't capable of this".

    Let's be honest, there's no denying that having the resident dog have surgery and then introducing a new dog almost right away is just not the best timing. -And I think that's all anyone is really saying here.

    If you ask for advice, people with experience are going to give you their experiences and opinions. There is almost no better advice…ie, take it from the people who know who have been there. And you have to know that not all advice is going to be what you want to hear. Take it with a grain of salt. Our group has YEARS of experience- health, training, breeding... it's a really great resource that you should trust. I don't agree with every opinion on this message board, but that's okay. We can agree to disagree. :)

    Sounds like you all have your mind made up that you're going to go through with this new dog regardless of what's offered. We're here for you either way.

  • I agree with BDawg – we just want to help you make sure you feel you are making the right choice.

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