My Basenji?
wrote on 5 Nov 2007, 22:38 last edited by
The Vet indicated she MAY be part coyote. What a combination that would be! I live in a rural part of Western KY (having moved from the big city of Denver) and I am finding out anything is possible out here. I am hoping maybe some of the members could tell if she may have something else besides coyote in her. She's a beautiful, exotic and sweet animal. We love her even with all her faults.
I would love to make a guess, but can't tell from the pic you posted…definitely more pics needed :)
wrote on 5 Nov 2007, 23:03 last edited by
. EXCEPT she has pure white eyes with pure black pupils and has a rather long straight tail.
I don't get the part about the pure white eyes. In the photo the eyes look "normal" – white whites and black iris? No?
Oh --- and before I forget: Welcome!!! Can't wait to see more photos.
And major pats on the back for saving both these pups!
wrote on 6 Nov 2007, 00:42 last edited by
Thanks Jazzysmom. I have been trying to upload more pics for the last hour now and I am so computer illiterate, it's not working for me. I am going to take a break and try again. somewhere on this website are more pics of Caia. I wonder if there is a black hole nearby!
wrote on 6 Nov 2007, 01:00 last edited by
Thanks Jazzysmom. I have been trying to upload more pics for the last hour now and I am so computer illiterate, it's not working for me. I am going to take a break and try again. somewhere on this website are more pics of Caia. I wonder if there is a black hole nearby!
LOL, sounds like me. Everytime I figure it out, I post a couple of photos and then whoooost! it's gone again and I have to figure it out all over again.
wrote on 6 Nov 2007, 13:08 last edited by
I do the same, Welcome to the forum. Don't give up, you'll figure it out!
wrote on 6 Nov 2007, 14:15 last edited by
Welcome to the site and congratulations for saving Caia! What a big heart!
wrote on 6 Nov 2007, 14:57 last edited by
Thank you Wizard. Many people would have saved those poor puppies, there are only a handful of individuals in this area that have no respect for life. Most folks love their animals but it makes it hard to see these pitiful little creatures homeless, running wild. We do what we can. I have uploaded pics of Caia three times and can't find them. I even made an album, Caia & fiends. It's just not there. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Any suggestions? I really want the group to help me figure out Caia's parentage, if possible. Thanks again.
wrote on 6 Nov 2007, 15:03 last edited by
If you have an account at – or if not, make one! -- it's far easier to load photos from there. Then you just have to click to copy the image code and paste it here.
wrote on 6 Nov 2007, 15:06 last edited by
Thanks JM, I'll try that!
wrote on 6 Nov 2007, 17:43 last edited by
How old is your b-mix?
wrote on 6 Nov 2007, 17:48 last edited by
Welcome! Keep trying, I'm bad at the whole pic thing too!! Looking forward to seeing more of your pup and hearing more stories, of course!!
wrote on 6 Nov 2007, 18:40 last edited by
My daughter was telling me a story of how a person brought a stray puppy they found to the vet, to get him checked out.
The vet told him it was not a dog but a coyote puppy!!
They ended up bringing it to the wildlife center where my daughter volunteers. He's been there ever since.
wrote on 6 Nov 2007, 18:47 last edited by
This is off the subject but I'm glad I'm not the only one with Picture issues.LOL
wrote on 6 Nov 2007, 23:02 last edited by
Good afternoon:
Caia is about a year and a half old now. We have had her for a little more than six months. When I first saw Caia, I called the Forestry Service to see if there might be a place for her but a cross like that is unacceptable to any facility around here. The individual I spoke with told me to feed her until such time as she got killed either by a car, another coyote (if she is part) or someone shooting her. To this day I cannot wrap my mind around it being alright to leave such a sweet, beautiful little pup to die whether dog or coyote. Caia is learning to be a very good girl. It was hard at first because she chewed everything, (my coffee table leg, Shoes, hats, my husband's hearing aids) but we also learned to pick up our stuff and leave her chewies. She tends to "prance". Is that a Basenji trait or just her own? She loves to lay on the couch with me when we watch TV and also loves to pick on the other two "girls", my Beagle and my Shepherd. I am still working on getting pics uploaded. So sorry, I want you to really see what a beauty she is.
wrote on 8 Nov 2007, 16:59 last edited by
It was actually the vet tech wasn't the most brilliant thing on the planet… needless to say I found another vet the next week and they think she might have some bulldog in her... what a mix. I believe that she definitely could have some bulldog in her judging by the way she lays around the house.