That is GREAT! Congrats on the progress. So, did you guys follow through with the ignoring him for a couple weeks? Do you think that had to do with the behavioral progress, or do you think it had more to do with gradual desensitization to the crate?
Yes, we did. And yes, it nearly killed my children. 
Because of the speed at which this is all happening, I think it has more to do with the behavioral progress.
He's still being somewhat ignored… I mean, in order to get anything {treats, a toy, etc} We must offer it, and he must first make eye contact w/us, we smile say "YES!!!" or "Good Boy!!!" something along those lines . The idea is that his focus is on us, not what he wants; and that he sees that he gets what he wants because it pleases us, not because it pleases him.
We've also been working with Keoki AND Jazzy on their attitudes -- They lose the treat, toy, blanket, me, the kids, whatever if they even growl at each other.
I haven't been snuggling Jazzy much at all -- that's when she gets meanest w/the other dogs, whenever she's near me. So when she does her "Mom, please pick me up stare" I ignore her. I pay attention to her when I want her, not when she wants me. I think it won't be long before she's back to being my snuggle buddy {Keoki never was a real cuddler}, and I think she won't be as snotty about me.
Sometimes they'll both be laying on a blanket together and he will just suddenly snark and attack,chasing her off the blanket. Now,I know there's been a lot of silent communcation prior to the snark,but I've missed it. Anyway, that happens and he's off the blanket until I decide he can use it again.
It's been hard, but I tell you there's a lot less even growly undertones. He leaves her completely alone while she's eating, whereas he used to hover over her every moment. When he does snap on the blanket, HE looks at me, gets up and leaves it, LOL.
Things aren't perfect here, but there have been some real changes made.
Oh, and remember he is also on anti-anxiety medications for the time being.