• Jazz was microchipped. I would have done it anyway, but it was required on our purchase contract also. My name/address is primary, but Jumoke is also listed as secondary contact.

  • 3 of my b's are microshipped, the other one has a tattoo in one of her ear!

  • I had Tucker chipped, as an extra precaution. The training school I use held a microchip clinic, which I took advantage of.

  • The local shelter I rescued Hollie from microchips ALL their adoptees. I think this is an awesome idea since dogs can and do loose their collars.

  • All of ours are chipped except for the old man. He's almost 15, blind except for shadows and can't hear too well. He wouldn't dream of trying to escape if he could, and would get stuck in a corner if he actually managed to get out. Not to mention that a turtle could probably outrun him! He knows where the food dish is.

  • I am going to have the chip inserted on my next vet visit, he needs one more set of shots, I hope it want be to much for him to endure!! He and I are babies about the shot thing!! Does it leave a lump or scar??

  • Jazz got her chip w/her shots, and didn't complain….too loudly. Just a quick yelp and that was it. And she seemed more startled than hurt -- less an "OUCH" and more of a "Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

    It left no lump or scar.

  • Dash was chipped when I got him.

    Ivoss- I am impressed you chip your puppies. That is so great!

  • Jumoke doesn't micro-chip, but it is a part of the purchase contract that their pups be micro-chipped and that Jumoke be listed as a secondary contact. It's a great idea.

  • AKC now allows owners to register their puppies' microchips with their Companion Animal Recovery system when they register their puppies. I pay for the registration of my puppies because I want them all in AKC database so with this litter I also paid for their microchips to all be registered at the same time.

  • Ivoss- just curious. I am sure you allow the people that purchase your dogs to return them if things don't work out but knowing people…. can you track them if they are turned into the pound? or a rescue?

    I have only had experience with one breeder for my Dobie and there was no commitment for the dog, no microchipping etc. I guess I am floored by your responsibility and dedication to the breed.

  • @dash:

    Ivoss- just curious. I am sure you allow the people that purchase your dogs to return them if things don't work out but knowing people…. can you track them if they are turned into the pound? or a rescue?

    I have only had experience with one breeder for my Dobie and there was no commitment for the dog, no microchipping etc. I guess I am floored by your responsibility and dedication to the breed.

    If the agency that accepts a surrender or stray uses a scanner, and contacts the alternate name in the chip, then yes, one could track any dog she produced.

    The best breeders in any breed do what Lisa mentioned. She IS among the most responsible and dedicated in our breed…but that is what people should look for when they go to purchase a dog. That is the message we are trying to get out 🙂

  • @Quercus:

    If the agency that accepts a surrender or stray uses a scanner, and contacts the alternate name in the chip, then yes, one could track any dog she produced.

    Andrea is right, I am the secondary contact so if the shelter or rescue group scanned the dog they would be able to find me. I think a rescue group would be more likely to find me than a shelter that has so many dogs to deal with.

    I keep in frequent contact with my puppy buyers and do my best to keep lines of communication open so that if there is a problem, the owners will feel comfortable telling me about it.

  • Andrea and Lisa at right on…. and that is exactly how responsible breeders should "behave".... Chipping pups before they leave, now that chips are certainly more reliable then at first is the best way to try and keep track of your pups.... No screening is perfect... so to protect our pups this is the best way. As Lisa has said, hopefully if something goes wrong, owners will feel comfortable enough to let the breeder know.... Also, while a contract is not totally enforceable... responsible breeders also note that if the pup at any time, any age needs to be given up... the breeder is to be contacted first.. even if the owner has a new home for that pup...

  • Abby is not chipped yet but my mixed breed Missy is and hers was done when we had her spayed. My vet says the needle to do the chip is really big and for someone as small as Abby it could hurt her, so I haven't done it yet. Too chicken to I guess. 🙂

  • I think microchipping is a great idea, although I've heard a lot of stories about microchips becoming "lost" on Basenjis because their skin is so loose and their fat layer is just about non-existent.

    My boy came to me tattooed with his AKC reg. #. For me, that serves the purpose.

  • Tattooed B's are good too… and for a long time that is all I did, until the person that tattooed ours retired... and honestly some of the people that do tatoo's are terrible...ggg
    I think that the microchips become lost is pretty much old history now days... it was a problem in the past... and yes the needle is big but if puppies are being done at 9, 10 and 11 wks, can't be that much of a problem..ggg
    I know when Kobey was done, he did squeal... however didn't stop him from finishing the treat they had given him...
    Bottom line, which ever method, main thing is to be able to keep track of your kids. Tatoo's again are great, but not like you can really get them done at 9/10 wks... hardly any place to "write"

  • I had my litter done at 8 weeks old when they recieved their first vaccinations. Zeke and Ringo both squealed but forgot immediately about it as soon as they were offered a cookie. Sophie was utterly silent for the microchip and yipped over the tiny DHPP needle.

  • @abby_basenji:

    Abby is not chipped yet but my mixed breed Missy is and hers was done when we had her spayed. My vet says the needle to do the chip is really big and for someone as small as Abby it could hurt her, so I haven't done it yet. Too chicken to I guess. 🙂

    Most breeders I know do puppies before they leave for home…so less than eight weeks old. My vet did at least two of my puppies at 9-10 weeks...

  • All our pups get their chip the same day as their first vaccination (6 weeks old).
    Our vet will first mark a little point on the left side of their neck with a marker (just to find the right spot again) and then she will give on that spot a local anaestesia. After this she will first vaccinate all pups and only then she will chip them. The pups never give any reaction due to the local anaestesia.
    It's true that the needle is big enough for a little Basenji but with the local anaestesia, the pups don't feel a thing and so don't have a bad feeling about a visit to the vet.

    Erik & Ingrid

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