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New - From Georgia

Member Introductions
  • After 15 years of researching and "waiting for the right time" we finally adopted our Basenji diva, Cory, from Robyn "Yodeldogs". We've had Cory for almost a month now and we are extremely happy that we made the leap. It has been great and we keep expecting the honeymoon to end. Cory is a pretty little red and white, 10 month old female. Robyn let her go because Cory was a "wanna be" princess and Robyn's other girls weren't buying into Cory's agenda. It was obvious that Cory would have to set out and find her own kingdom.

    This first month has been fun and interesting. We knew that the time for Cory to come into season was fast approaching and we immediately set a date for her to be spayed…..right after a long planned vacation in the mountains. Whoops - too late. Cory went into heat while we were gone. (And we thought all the "guys" were looking at her because she was so comely!) So we are having to put that off for a while and Cory has been house and yard bound.

    So far Cory's Basenji traits have been really moderate. The biggest issue has been the crate: She gets crated when we go out and she loathes that. We can hear her screaming like a banshee and she shreds her bedding and pees and defecates in it. I do leave her a kong with a treat but that isn't taking her mind off being crated. She does sleep quite willingly in her crate by our bed at nighttime. For the record, I don't work outside the home and so she is never crated for more than a few hours at a time while I run some errands.

    She isn't wild about being outside in the yard. She's not wild about the feel of grass - wet or dry. She usually does her business and scoots back to the door as quickly as possible. She does try to be discrete about #2. She often straddles our border grass so the poops sit on top like some bizarre sort of berries.

    She loves our 3 little grandchildren - aged 4 months, 20 months, and almost 4 yrs. She especially likes the older two whom I babysit 2 days a week. She "yodels" for them but they aren't quite sure if a real dog should be making a noise like that. I think she likes them so much because they can't put things up out of her reach. She especially steals from the 20 month old - often his pacifier. Cory has developed quite a taste for their Goldfish crackers.

    Cory is a great snuggler. She drags out dirty clothes. She can jump straight up onto the dining room table without a running start and without using a chair. She helps me make my bed by tugging the blanket back down after I pull it up. She's taught us to put bathroom trashcans on the back of the toilets. She dries our legs after our showers and licks our arms while we watch TV. She is great on car trips - either in or out of the crate. The only time she seems to get upset or makes snarking noises is if she is surprised or if someone comes on too strong when making her acquaintance. I think she is just telling them that they have bad manners.

    I think the transition has gone so well for us because: Robyn had Cory housebroken and socialized (She also took a lot of time introducing us and Cory.); our house was already babyproofed for the grandbabies; we REALLY researched Basenjis; and our last dog (a chocolate Lab rescue) was so psychotic that only a wolverine could have been any worse!

    We have learned a lot from this message board and we've really enjoyed all the pictures!


  • Welcome!!! She sounds like quite a catch. My little gyu is new also, i spent a few yrs randomly researching the breed and then in December really started looking into them, after a few times of the just not right timing, my little Tiggy monster fell into our laps.

    They are wonderful little dogs. Can't wait to see pictures!!

  • Welcome to the Forums. A lot of Cory's relatives are on the forum. Here is a family photo of some of her cousins in California.


  • Congratulations….. and welcome to the forums....

  • Welcome Cory to the forum , this is your sister Chevy. Hope to see more pictures of you. Please check members gallery for more photos.


  • Cory sounds like a gem. The crating issue could be more of a separation anxiety issue. Have you tried a larger area for her (maybe an X-pen)? Congratulations on your new addition!

  • Thank you all for the welcome and we especially enjoyed seeing Cory's sister and cousins! I tried to post several photos of Cory in the Member's Gallery but despite a message to the contrary, only one picture is appearing. It isn't necessarily the one I would have chosen if I'd known only one was going to appear. Oh well…I just hope the others aren't appearing as mystery pictures in other member galleries.


  • @BasenjiDiva:

    She loves our 3 little grandchildren - aged 4 months, 20 months, and almost 4 yrs. She especially likes the older two whom I babysit 2 days a week. She "yodels" for them but they aren't quite sure if a real dog should be making a noise like that. I think she likes them so much because they can't put things up out of her reach. She especially steals from the 20 month old - often his pacifier. Cory has developed quite a taste for their Goldfish crackers.

    Hello and welcome, wanted to share a funny little story. I watch my niece a lot, she is 18 months old. She has only really been around my B (Deke) so when you ask her "what does a doggie say?" instead of the normal "woof woof" answer she only knows to pant !!!!!!! It's pretty fun. Oh and Deke loves goldfish crackers too. He cleans up after they leave….no vacuum needed here !

  • Hello and welcome to the board. Thanks for such an interesting and funny introduction to Cory!! She sounds like a HOOT!!!

  • @senji:

    Oh and Deke loves goldfish crackers too. He cleans up after they leave….no vacuum needed here !

    My husband has always said that we should name our dogs after vacuum cleaners…......wouldn't that be a good name for a litter: Hoover, Kirby, Rainbow, Roomba, Dust Buster, etc. :D

  • @BasenjiDiva:

    My husband has always said that we should name our dogs after vacuum cleaners…......wouldn't that be a good name for a litter: Hoover, Kirby, Rainbow, Roomba, Dust Buster, etc. :D

    Too funny…don't forget Dyson!!! Welcome to the forum...your pup is sooo cute!

  • Great introduction, welcome to Forum…...enjoy!:D Beautiful B!:D

  • Welcome to the forum! Lots of great people, dogs, information and fun!

  • Ack! Cory sure made the transition from Princess to full fledged Brat in record time LOL! Repeat after me…baby gate, squirt bottle, baby gate, squirt bottle. giggles

    Welcome to the forum Pat and keep pictures coming!

  • Welcome to you AND of course to CORY!!!….Sounds like you have a fantastic dog & I'm not surprised! :)

  • Welcome! Attached are a few pics of Sugar and Shadow-they are Robyn's breedings too! You've chosen a fine breeder.

Suggested Topics

  • New Basenji(?) Owner, New to Forum

    Member Introductions
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    Hi, I'm no good at guessing mixes, wonderful that you saved her from a shelter and she is cute, welcome. Jolanda and Kaiser
  • New to Forum/New to Basenjis

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    Welcome and congratulations! I have two BRATS myself, and a third basenji as well. So beware, they ARE like potato chips (You can't have just one) I love her name, she is gorgeous. Can't wait to hear all about her Homecoming!
  • New

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    Glad you found us..we love photos.. Is she a pet or show b?
  • New Here…

    Member Introductions
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    Of course you and your beautiful baby are welcome no snobbs here. And I do agree there's a B in there. Your baby is really sweet looking, enjoy. I also have a rescue and believe me they give back a thousand times more then what you give them.
  • Newness!

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    thanks bunches! I actually have posted some pictures in the picture section… if you want to see them just look for the topic with "Mali" in the name ^_^
  • New member, New Basenji mom!

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    Welcome to the forum!