Bleeding Diarreah
wrote on 19 Sept 2007, 17:26 last edited by
thanks…can't believe she's ill....the foster mom says the vet thinks it's worms but will know more later. I worry because someone I know got a dog through BRAT and the dog ended up with a serious deadly disease. It was severe diareah, anorexia, dehydration, vomiting, etx. After 3 hard years they just put him down. Very sad!
I would say that must be VERY rare. Sounds like the dog maybe had IPSID?
wrote on 19 Sept 2007, 18:06 last edited by
I do hope she's O.k. We all have our hearts set on her. I guess it could be stress. Aside from her last home, she's been moved around to 2 foster homes in 2 weeks in order to make travel easier. Plus in the first foster home the mom had just had hand surgery so it was difficult for her to care for another dog.
wrote on 19 Sept 2007, 19:09 last edited by
Poor little thing. I hope she's ok. Yes–bloody diarahea isn't necessarily serious--but it is awful scary. Hopefully, the odds are in her favor, and it's not anything serious. But if she has anything--it's probably best to get that cleared up before brining her home if possible.
wrote on 19 Sept 2007, 19:11 last edited by
yes I spoke to the coordinator and she will let me know as soon as the foster contacts her. We're praying she'll be fine. Crazy how we love her already and haven't even met her
wrote on 19 Sept 2007, 19:17 last edited by
yes I spoke to the coordinator and she will let me know as soon as the foster contacts her. We're praying she'll be fine. Crazy how we love her already and haven't even met her
I know what you mean–I had my heart set on Tyler and Zoey after I saw their picture on the rescue site. Then I met them and had them checked for Fanconi before picking them up to bring them home--but I told the rescuers not to worry--that no matter what the results, I was taking them and would provide whatever care was needed. Everything has worked out just fine, and I hope things work out for you, too.
wrote on 19 Sept 2007, 20:14 last edited by
thanks we hope so too.
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 16:42 last edited by
I saw in the other thread that you are getting your 2nd b this weekend…is it the same girl from this thread? What ended up being the diagnosis?
wrote on 27 Sept 2007, 15:28 last edited by
Yes it is. Her test came back negative and she is in great helath. Very playful just like my first so we will be picking her up Sunday….HOORAY!!!
wrote on 27 Sept 2007, 15:53 last edited by
Bet you're excited!!! Can't wait to see pics and hear about all the antics going on in your home. :)
wrote on 27 Sept 2007, 16:28 last edited by
Excited is not even the word. Her foster dad told me she's a nonstop playmate which is exactly perfect for our B. Alittle high maintnance and…They bought her a sweater and she prances around the house looking all conceited ...too darn cute!!!
wrote on 27 Sept 2007, 16:51 last edited by
Woo hoo! Looking forward to hearing how it goes..and of course, seeing the pictures of the new cutie pie with her new family!
wrote on 27 Sept 2007, 17:02 last edited by
These dogs are like potato chips. You just can't stop at one.
Congrats, Luzmery. Can't wait to see photos and hear the stories!
wrote on 27 Sept 2007, 17:07 last edited by
I remember when I first adopted Champ and all the issues and concerns I had with this "magnificant, one of a kind, crazy breed" and now here we are getting all ready for #2. They are so special plus Champ is really crazy about other dogs so we are really doing this for him.
wrote on 27 Sept 2007, 18:35 last edited by
Fantastic! Congratulations…can't wait to see pictures and hear how the 2 of them get on. :D
wrote on 27 Sept 2007, 19:11 last edited by
OH WOW!! That's great news. I can't wait to see pics of Champ's new sister :D