Laser Light Pens and Basenjis

  • Does anyones B's like to play with the laser lights? My boxer loves them, the cat ignores them and I was curious if Basenji's liked them.

  • Our Dude goes bananas over them. It all started when he discovered the reflection from my watch in the sun. He would chase it, pounce it, and just stand wagging his tail at it until my arm got tired. So I got him a laser light and he loves that too. Just be careful not to shine it in their eyes.

  • I always keep it at least 2 feet away from Reggie, or I can clip to his collar and tape the button down, he goes bonkers over that

  • Some of mine are nuts for them…. the others could not care less....

  • Yeah it depends on the Basenji…Lance loves it, Kiya doesn't give a rip. 🙂

  • Just a friendly warning that you can cause a dog to develop an OCD/CCD by playing with him/her with laser lights. I accidentally did it with my dobie (long passed–RIP big boy). And I can tell, by the way my Magnum likes to chase and bite at reflections (caused by his tags), he's a likely candidate. Some dogs may be predisposed to develop this sort of behavior, but I just don't take the chance anymore. It's a very distressing behavior once it starts and just about impossible to get rid of. JMHO, of course.

  • @gbroxon:

    Just a friendly warning that you can cause a dog to develop an OCD/CCD by playing with him/her with laser lights. I accidentally did it with my dobie (long passed–RIP big boy). And I can tell, by the way my Magnum likes to chase and bite at reflections (caused by his tags), he's a likely candidate. Some dogs may be predisposed to develop this sort of behavior, but I just don't take the chance anymore. It's a very distressing behavior once it starts and just about impossible to get rid of. JMHO, of course.

    That is a very good point. I would recommend that if you do play with your pets with lights, make it a special play event that only happens on occasion.

  • Sugar LOVES them. She will go after the laser or flashlights or reflections from silverware-Shadow absolutely is uninterested. The puppy Damisi likes them also. The boxer likes to play with them as well.

  • @nomrbddgs:

    Sugar LOVES them. She will go after the laser or flashlights or reflections from silverware-Shadow absolutely is uninterested. The puppy Damisi likes them also. The boxer likes to play with them as well.

    I love your signature "Boxenji" LOL

  • Well, when you see a large 60 lb boxer bitch running along the back of the couch-you know why she's a boxenji. The play bow, the basenji mannerisms, etc. Too funny!

  • LMAO, I know it all to well. My boxer acts like a cat (or maybe he's a funny looking Basenji) and the cat thinks she's a boxer

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