I grew up with birds, hamsters, cats, dog, rabbits and we had hives of honey bees. Never anything wrong with me all my life even got lucky never stepped on a bee.
My kids have cats, dogs, bird and my daughter never worn pretty little dress cause she would go right under a car with her dad and get grease all over her.
Dirt and my son go hand in hand. They have been healthy.
Now as far as walking to school I could not do that. Been far to many kids never got to school to many out there take kids. So my kids have never been allowed to walk to school. One mile there but anything could happen.
People that usually do not want animals have there little fancy house and do not want the hair or the dirt. We have a friend who has three children just got a puppy about month ago poor puppy. Puppy got over gate in wash room and well had fun while they were at work. She just about lost it aniamls are better off without being that kind of home I told her so. Sad news her husband just went to work for Science Diet and they have a animal day once a month and they told him it was important they had a animal. He lied when got job and said he did. Now there is a puppy my heart really goes out to.
Rita Jean