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Potty on bed and couch,,,,grrrrrrr

Behavioral Issues
  • @Quercus:

    Usually pooping and peeing on the bed is either marking, OR a medical incontinence issue….But, not an actual housetraining problem.

    Bella is probably feeling comfortable enough in her new home to claim some important spots as "hers"...that doesn't necessarily mean she is challenging YOU...but it means she is letting all other comers know...this space has been marked.

    For now, don't let her go into the bedrooms unsupervised AT ALL. If she goes in you must follow her, and watch her like a hawk...if she makes any attempt to eliminate...shriek!!! No! Yuck! Aacck...whatever it takes so she thinks " really hates that...I clearly am not supposed to do that"...and you take her immediately out of the room, outside, into a crate whatever...needs to be black and white...this happens you are out!

    Is there any chance that she was awake and trying to give you some signals she needed to go out before she peed on the bed while you were in it? I can see her saying 'well, I tried to tell them, but they won't wake up...I bet this will wake them up' ;)

    When you are at others people's homes, I would keep her on a leash, and under supervision at all times.

    This behavior is likely to pass as she realizes she doesn't need to mark everything to keep her safe and secure. But in the meantime, don't give her the chance to do it.

    Good luck! I hope some of this helps....

    I totally agree and could not have said it better…. When I placed Crystal as a pup, Ann called after 5 days to tell me that she was peeing on her son's bed.... I told her she was "marking" it as hers... while at first Ann didn't believe me, but as it continued and it had nothing to do with potty training... she realized that it was true. They then put up a gate to keep her out of Stephen's room.... problem solved

  • Ditto..they need to be watched ALL the time initially. TOPAZ had a hard time adjusting & it took her a while to be fully trained…we'd go outside for what seemed like HOURS & nothing as soon we walked in the house PEEEE CITY!! After a few emergency carry outs she learned & that was that. I also got the DAP Diffuser which IMO has helped adjust them to our home.

    Good luck!

  • Thanks so much! All of your comments are very reassuring and helpful. BTY,,,,,,in another week and a half I will be returning to school (I am a teacher). This will be a major change in schedules for Dane and Bella. Do any of you have any advice for how to make this transition easier?

  • long walks in the am and pm

  • LUVSMY2B'S, our beagle has peed on our bed. Luckily, not in my spot :eek: Anyway, she does not have access to the bedrooms unless we are in them. If we want to leave the door open for whatever reason we put a tarp on the bed to scare her when she jumps up. This works as well for her. Dash just crawls underneath to sleep.

    You could slowly increase the amount of time you are away and they are alone in their crates. We keep our dogs together when we are gone for company as well. Since she is new I am not sure how commfortable you would be with that.

    I am not sure how helpful that was but anyway…good luck!

  • Chance did this a couple of times too but it was either because he was upset with me or too excited while playing and just couldn't hold it anymore.

  • One of our males marked the wife!:eek: Yep, peed right on her… belong to me.:D
    Never had one poop on the bed, but pee marking has happened.:(

  • @Basenji_Boy:

    One of our males marked the wife!:eek: Yep, peed right on her… belong to me.:D
    Never had one poop on the bed, but pee marking has happened.:(

    Uh…yeah...that has happened to me...once...just once...the production I put on convinced Querk that he never, EVER wanted to do that again. In his defense he was unbelievably excited upon arrival at a new agility class, around a bunch of new dogs, and it was the peak of THE breeding season...we call it temporary insanity.

  • We take her and Dane out to pee right before they go to bed sometimes she goes and sometimes she doesnt (she can hold her pee a lot longer than Dane can)

    I make sure mine pees befores she's in for the night She has no choice, as long as it takes. No exceptions. I don't give them a choice - in that we either keep walking (on walk) or she can't go in till she pees. Usually trhe walk always works, due to they can't help marking their turf!

    Funny about peeing on people, we went on a long car ride to visit my wife's sister. I got the dogs out and greated my sisdter in law before letting the dogsd go potty, and of coarse first thing the male does is pee on her!

  • @Quercus:

    …the production I put on convinced Querk that he never, EVER wanted to do that again.

    Um…Andrea, can you describe said "production"...I need the laugh!:p ;)

  • @nala121498:

    Um…Andrea, can you describe said "production"...I need the laugh!:p ;)

    He,he…well, let's just say it involved some yelling, and some cursing...and I may have grabbed his scruff......then I am sure I had serious discussion with him, while holding his leetle head in my hands, that if he EVER did that again, he would be a skin hanging on the wall in our family room ;)

  • @Quercus:

    if he EVER did that again, he would be a skin hanging on the wall in our family room ;)

    Ha ha, that's great.:D What a wonderflu visual picture that conjures up!:eek: :D

  • You are _too _funny, Andrea! The image of that has just made me smile and laugh - thanks for making my day!!

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