Making Bed & Furniture Off Limits?
wrote on 26 Mar 2014, 04:35 last edited by
Has anybody else had to move a B from the people bed to a crate? How'd it go? How long does it take the dog to adjust? And will this even stop the peeing problem?
wrote on 26 Mar 2014, 10:20 last edited by
I have a couple of questions. Did she void when she was out and did you see that she had? Hard to have a full bladder if you have just emptied it. Don't discount a UTI until you check again. I know (from personal experience!) these things can come on suddenly, as in "I did not have this problem last week!" Also 16 1/2 months could be just about right for "adolescence" to be setting in, so yeah, could be behavioral. Have there been any changes in routine that might "piss her off"? (pun intended!)
As far as moving her from bed to crate, I did that with my two girls back in the day, but they slept together in a chair, with a cover over them. I made the change in summer so they would not be cold, and they didn't fuss too much about it as far as I can recall. Wouldn't have wanted to try it with just one.
wrote on 26 Mar 2014, 13:06 last edited by
Is she coming into season? Zest! would pee in her crate when she was starting to come into season. And Z! did come into season 2X a year.
(I can't remember if she'd been spayed yet or not.)
Otherwise, i'd start doing more obedience work with her, and do some nothing in life is free (google if needed). My sofa (loveseat) had 2 dog beds on them and I don't think anyone has ever peed on them, but they'd be easy enough to toss into the washer.
wrote on 26 Mar 2014, 13:08 last edited by
Hi eeeefarm– I did see Ava pee when she was out, though I now know that she didn't empty her bladder. I can retest, but Ava has had so many UTIs than I can usually tell. But you're right, it's best to be thorough.
Nothing has changed in her life and she isn't "pissed" at me, that I know of. She did have a full vet workup last week and was cleared healthwise.
wrote on 26 Mar 2014, 13:16 last edited by
Is she coming into season?
Otherwise, i'd start doing more obedience work with her, and do some nothing in life is free (google if needed). My sofa (loveseat) had 2 dog beds on them and I don't think anyone has ever peed on them, but they'd be easy enough to toss into the washer.
Yes, I did wonder about this!
We did NILIF all last year and still do, to a large degree. We also do obedience training 2x/ day and will continue.
wrote on 30 Mar 2014, 21:31 last edited by
Thanks again, eeeefarm and agilebasenji, for your responses. I have always appreciated your suggestions!
wrote on 13 Apr 2014, 06:29 last edited by
I have never had a B pee on the bed except Arwen, and although only about 4 times in her life, all were on days she was on steroids. If I had it to do over again, as much as I love them in the bed, I'd love one of those side beds, lol. Hope you figure out what is up with her.