I signed in May and got an email but was told there are very few B's in this area. We did apply to adopt one here in Columbus but she was concerned with the fact we had cats. She said she would contact me to get me started in fostering but she also said she was really busy so we are still waiting. That was last week though.
It will probably be more difficult with you having cats, I know…I have 4 right now:)
But once and awhile one that likes cats (in the friendly way) does come along.
There is one (Roska) on the list now that does fine with cats since he was found folloowing (not chasing) a cat home. There are a few more on there that are OK with cats. You may look again and apply for a different one. There are seperate contacts for most of them, so if you see a new one you like you need to apply for that one also.
I have heard that some of the "adoption agents" are not as good as others (like everything in life). I really lucked out with mine. So keep trying, and Roskas is a cutie.