Worlds Funniest B Pictures!!
Class clown #1
Xmass doggy
This is very scary. He looks like a human, I know he thinks he is one, but he looks as if he is in this pic. Too cute!
PLEASE share your funny Basenji photos!! I think I have a PRETTY good one to start us off, Jack-Has to know EXACTLY whats going on at all times…mmm, Whats that? Camera!
This is like that famous photographer..the one that does the close-ups of animals..mostly dogs..So Cute!
HAHA!! Woah!! GREAT PICS!!! I got a great laugh
they are always sticking their nose where they don't belong
Man the Tri DOES look human like in those pictures, SOOO Funny, LOL
I know you've seen this one in my gallery, but it is my all-time favorite funny B photo:
I almost rolled out of my chair laughing at this one!
That's really funny, I'm soo bored with you humans!
I'm always amazed on how big their jaws really are when they yawn.
More on the Xmas theme:D
I know this is a repeat….Willy in the Jester hat.:D
I love the reindeer!
Reds do have that deer look dont they
that is a doggie door? does jazzy just stay there and watch on the other side? or is this an action photo?
A little of both, LOL. She was not supposed to go out there, so she would ever-so-slowly creep, inch by inch, out the door.
I have since used duct tape to neatly cover the door.{It was originally there to allow the cats access to the garage, where their litter box was. Once Jazz moved in and started harrassing the cats, it was not safe for them to come downstairs so we moved their litter box upstairs and put up a gate. }
great pics!!
great pics!!