Road Trips with Basenjis
If air circulation is a concern - you can buy some crate fans at PetCo or PetsMart that run on batteries that help quite a lot.
Good luck in your move - I'm sure that because you are asking questions and getting opinions - you will figure out something that works for you both.
I'm worried about the heat/ventilation because lately it has been so hot here that Cody is miserable if he is in the car for more than 45 minutes, and this is going to be a 5 hour drive. Last year around this time, when I made the trip just to visit, the a/c really didn't help much. I think it's just the humidity in NC, it's horrible. I just want it to be as safe and as comfortable as possible for him.
renaultf1, situating his crate behind and between the seats sounds like the best bet. Thank you for the suggestion.
dmcarty, thanks, and I will definitely look into the fans.
When Seren Jane was a puppy we tried a few short trips, an hour or two, however she whined, drueled and jumped around the entire way. Crateing her was out of the question, she hurts herself. Perhaps I will try some anxienty drops and try her again.
Sorry folks, I 've been out of the country for a while. Seren Jane has been with my husband while I've been gone, and he doesn't do computer stuff. I missed all the latest on the "Basenji Forum"; I've got some catching up to do. She slept on my pillow every night I was away. She was so excited when I returned the other night she even wagged her tail a bit.
We are making a roadtrip in the beginning of August and we are traveling with two kids, three dogs, and three adults, in a Vilvo XC90. Needless tyo say it will be cramped but with all the cargo on top of the roof in a Thule box, kids in the third row seat, my mother and hubby in the front, I was actually thinking about going in the back seat with the dogs. My question is, what harnesses do y'all use. I have crates for all dogs but not the space so harness is the only way to go. We are going to be gone for a week so I don't want to leave our four legged kiddos at home. I looked at several different brands/options and can not make up my mind, do you have an input..
Much appreciated, -
I don't have any insight to offer on that cause you all know - I'm a stickler on crates - but don't forget to find me at the Reliant Shows in Houston so you can see my Podengo babies - no room for any basenjis on the trip and heck their all so old anyway shoot my youngest B is 6 1/2.
I know I read you post and I understand, but if I had to do one less evil thing , then I rather harness, as supposed to not bring them with us. It is vacation time…for all of us.
When are you coming to Reliant? I can't wait to see you and those little, longlegged (I imagine ?)Podengos..Be ready for the heat, we are in the low 100's daily, so it is miserable..gotta love it, althought I don't ;) -
I use crates but I know people with large dogs and smaller cars that use a seatbelt harness similar to this one,
It is important that you check the fit of any harness you are thinking of using. One problem with basenjis and harnesses is that they are usually between sizes.
Actually we have rented a house in Rockport, TX with 2 acre fenced in yard, a 250' private fishing pier so it is on the water, which will be interesting to see. I am bringing Otis' room, i.e his crate but fold it down during travel. The other dogs don't get crated.
The harness you posted is the one I have looked at, and yes I realize the sizing is an issue. I guess I need to bring him in and try different sizes and style out. Thanks for your input. -
I will, I already have that in my head. I don't want them to get hurt nor do I want the property to get damaged..Thanks for the suggestion, though.