Brat Rescue and Transport; How they really treat rescues
replied to westcoastflea1 on last edited by
@westcoastflea1 “would you like proof ? On Monday, July 1, 2019, 11:43:57 PM EDT, Linda Webb Hilliard wrote:**
BRaT's care for Declan will continue, however, it must be held within limits pre-approved by the Board. Repeated test for the Cushings are not to be done. The new vet should communicate with BRaT regarding his care before any decisions are made.”Perfectly reasonable. The real problem here is you have the dog and want to override BRAT to do things your own way.
Like I said, nothing I say will change your mind in believing that you are right. Discussion as such is pointless.
replied to DebraDownSouth on last edited by Dagodingo
@debradownsouth “Dagodingo, I could spend time pointing out the person most closely walking the libel line, and it wasn't her.. but why bother? Your attack accomplished nothing.”
No doubt BRAT are not perfect, however I am not the one attacking a rescue that has saved many basenjis and advocated for the breed. As far as libel / defamation, the poster has made several provable lies, my whole family are lawyers and I know libel laws well.
replied to Dagodingo on last edited byThis post is deleted!
replied to y64dogs on last edited by westcoastflea1This post is deleted!
replied to y64dogs on last edited byThis post is deleted!
@westcoastflea1 I was going to add something, but you deleted most everything, so... no point. I'm sure you wouldn't have liked what I was going to say anyway.
replied to westcoastflea1 on last edited by
@westcoastflea1 “Perfectly reasonable. The real problem here is you have the dog and want to override BRAT to do things your own way.
The sentence you seemed to have overlooked is this Repeated test for the Cushings are not to be done.Standard protocol for all cushings dog is to monitor (cushings every 3 months)**
You call a ban on monitoring perfectly reasonable. not surprised at all”Where did you get that from?
“Most veterinarians treat both adrenal- and pituitary-dependent Cushing's disease with medication. The only way to "cure" Cushing's disease is to remove the adrenal tumor if the disease is adrenal-dependent and the tumor hasn't spread, says Stohlman. However, because of the complexity and risks of the surgery, most cases are treated with medication. Surgical techniques to remove pituitary tumors in dogs are being studied, but surgery is not a widely available option.
Although Cushing's is typically a lifelong condition, the disease usually can be managed with medications. "It's important for a veterinarian to see the dog regularly and do blood tests," Stohlman says. "Monitoring blood tests and response to treatment help determine the right dose, which may need to be adjusted periodically."
Frequent blood tests and veterinary checkups are usually required in the first few months after starting treatment and then every few months after that, depending on the dog's response to treatment and tolerance to the medication.”
Nowhere do I see every three months as the standard protocol. However, if your vet recommends it I am sure you could ask BRAT to cover it. As you have now deleted most of your posts, it’s once again pointless to discuss. However, the part you missed “The new vet should communicate with BRaT regarding his care before any decisions are made.” should be clear enough for anyone.
Again, your demands are unreasonable. BRAT is accountable for the money they spend on care. As you are obtaining care from them for your dog, you should be both compliant and diligent in following whatever guidelines they set. It really is that simple.
Being brutally honest here, as is my usual way. It seems you genuinely love the dog and are very attached to him. I know full well the intensity of looking after a sick basenji. However, I also know that it is important to maintain logic and reason. Running on feelings can cloud you into making a mistake that can potentially shorten his life. What you are doing is expecting others to give you a blank check without following their advice or obtaining their consent. That is unreasonable.
As others have advised, set up a go fund or such, if it works, then adopt the dog and you are in control of the decisions.
replied to Dagodingo on last edited byThis post is deleted!
replied to Dagodingo on last edited byThis post is deleted!
replied to elbrant on last edited byThis post is deleted!
replied to westcoastflea1 on last edited by
@westcoastflea1 “Not my dog, I became a foster because I knew i did not have the financial means to adopt.”
Great, so you decided to get all the benefits of the dog with none of the costs. Yet that strikes you as perfectly ethical.
“I Take declan in, vet finds an ear infection and before he can make any decisions the vet has to contact Brat?”
Correct, as it should be. You are not the dog owner, nor paying for treatment. BRATs responsibility is to respond promptly.
“if someone tells me, based on false or dated information, what will happen to Declan, I'm supposed to be compliant?
gimme a break. I do not comply with any direction from anyone that may harm Declan. Perhaps you would”By your own admission, you are happy to take money for the care of the dog for eight years and now demand that BRAT do as you wish. Frankly, it’s disgusting and there should be a contract which allows BRAT to take the dog back. If what you say is true, then you are already in breach of that contract.
“what kind of responsible pet owner relies on something like Go fund me to care for a Cushings dog?”
What kind of responsible owner or foster, takes on the responsibility of a dog for eight years while expecting to take on no financial responsibility. Then lies and tries to throw dirt at the very charity who has paid their bills for eight years?
I can only imagine that you are a troll, they frequent here from time to time. Nobody else could honestly be so absurd. Hopefully Royal Canin will track you down and sue you so hard you bounce.
replied to westcoastflea1 on last edited by elbrant
@westcoastflea1 said in Brat Rescue and Transport; How they really treat rescues:
@dagodingo As I have deleted my posts I'm surprised to see you haven't deleted your own. I deleted mine, yet you have not deleted yours
Just a suggestion.Why did you delete your posts @westcoastflea1 ? I never delete mine, and see no reason to.
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replied to Dagodingo on last edited by
@dagodingo and who is the troll here?
replied to Dagodingo on last edited by westcoastflea1This post is deleted!
replied to Dagodingo on last edited by westcoastflea1This post is deleted!
replied to Dagodingo on last edited byThis post is deleted!
replied to westcoastflea1 on last edited by westcoastflea1This post is deleted!