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Meeting a Basenji

Moved Basenji Meetups & Events
  • @antigone
    I have to agree w/ your statements. Basenjis are a very difficult breed to deal with - you have to be on the same wave-length as the dog. I do not let anyone babysit my dog except my brother - who was a previous basenji owner. You truly have to understand and be "IN-TUNE" w/ the breed. People like all of their good qualities - no barking, clean, etc. They don't realize that they also have a lot of QUIRKY QUALITIES - "their way or no way"! ![alt text](image url)Don't get me wrong - I love my basenj more than anything - but I understand her and I keep myself one step ahead of her - she is a perfect dog - but it took a lot of training and patience . But she is "SMARTER THAN A FIFTH GRADER!"

  • Yep, I agree with Kembe and @antigone. Basenji quirks make them very frustrating to own. Researching about them on the internet is not the same as owning one. Good advice to meet one first. Best wishes for finding your next little friend. šŸ§”

  • Basenjis can be difficult, no question. But all of us who have them had a first one, and learned (or not!) to cope with their quirkiness. Some are definitely more challenging than others, so if getting a pup it is a good idea to pay attention to the temperaments of parents and siblings. Reading a bit on the forum and tapping into the wealth of knowledge that is out there should help prepare the prospective owner. I got my first Basenji on the strength of having read James Street's "Goodbye My Lady", and for what it's worth she was the most reliable and obedient Basenji I have ever had, perhaps because I went into it with few preconceptions and trained her as I had all my previous dogs. Here's Val back in the day.
    The first picture is at the stables where I boarded my horse, the second is in my parents' backyard in the city of Toronto. Our yard was not fenced. Val doesn't even have a collar on, let alone a leash. I used to walk her loose in the city. She never betrayed my trust. None of my subsequent Basenjis have been as reliable! I guess she never got the memo about typical Basenji behaviour!

    I am not suggesting that I was wise, but I didn't know any better and neither did she. These days, with the internet and forums, it's a lot easier to get help if you need it.

  • Val is GORGEOUS!

  • @giza1 frankly I would argue that it is less to do with experience and more to do with the person. Reading and education are good, so is meeting one and spending time with one. However the most important thing is whether the person is a ā€œBasenji personā€. Hard to characterize, but you need to be patient, determined (maybe even tenacious) and most importantly have a good sense of humor. I bet that if you got all the successful, experienced Basenji owners together, you would find they all have many of the same character traits. To own a Basenji you also need to be at least half as smart as the dog.

  • @kembe I agree, there is a level above what you would normally experience with a dog. If you have that ability to understand what the dog is thinking and are in tune with them, then the bond is very strong and it is very rewarding.

  • Please read the "Zande Put Off" on Sally Wallis' page. Her kennel name is Zande and she and her husband, Marvin, have produced many of the best basenjis in England. I read the "put off" and got my first basenji anyway.šŸ˜€ I've now had 4 and hope to have another someday.

  • Hi, I live in Midtown Atlanta and have three basenjis, contact me should you wish to come meet them.


  • I have had dogs my entire life.. many mixed (usually part Chows), got into Rottweilers almost 30 years ago, did rehab/training for all breed rescues as well as Chows. I got my first basenji about 17 years ago. People keep saying they are so different than other breeds... but honestly, that's sort of true with any breed. And within the breed, the differences are enormous. I can promise you what you read online about any breed won't come close to the personal experience!

    What does she like about Basenjis? What are traits she cannot deal with (for example, I wouldn't choose to live with yippy dogs)? Is she willing to find a good obedience class? (I lived about 40 mile N of Atlanta, btw... but moved to Israel so I'm no help). If you want to private message me, I'll happily tell you some I'd recommend and a few I wouldn't let train a stuffed toy. Yes, there are several breeders around Atlanta. Some are incredibly welcoming, like Gail with Undercover Basenjis. In fact, when we started to show, I was impressed with the kindness of all the local breeders.

    But options don't just include puppies. If you want a well-bred puppy, get on lists NOW since this is the time when litters start hitting the ground and waiting lists get full. Talk to breeders-- some may have 6 mo to older dogs that either didn't work out for show, or are champions and not fitting breeding goals. Those animals need homes as much as puppies and they come fairly trained.

    Another option is Camp Basenji rescue in Florida. She does not have pups now, but she is utterly incredible in training and picking the right dog for the right home. I have my soon to be 8 (or is it 9?) year old rescue from Pam snuggled up sleeping with my adult daughter right now. She is absolutely honest about her rescues and I cannot recommend her strongly enough. You can go to youtube and look at her with her rescues. or if on facebook

    Breeder directory at Basenji Club of America, click to get breeders by state in right side. Not all breeders are listed.

  • @vasmith26 said in Meeting a Basenji:

    Please read the "Zande Put Off" on Sally Wallis' page. Her kennel name is Zande and she and her husband, Marvin, have produced many of the best basenjis in England. I read the "put off" and got my first basenji anyway

    Big THANK YOU for that !

    I need to rewrite it, along with Survival of the Fittest and all the other stuff on that website but I simply don't have time with the database taking up so many hours each week...

    OK, it didn't put you off, vasmith26, but as long as it gave you something to think about, it worked !

  • @debradownsouth I would also add, that just as within the breed there are variations / personalities (just as there are amongst different breeds), their environment also makes a huge difference. Ultimately my dogs share some traits and habits, no doubt because they adapt to me and my environment. The greatest Basenji compliment ever was when my breeder Jean Martin came to my house to check out the new puppyā€™s home when I had Suzy for a few months. I used freeze dried liver treats and we were in the back yard. I commanded both dogs sit and then lay down for them, which they did perfectly. Jean said ā€œmy goodness you do have them both well trainedā€.

  • @dagodingo
    You are absolutely right! I can READ my Basenji and know exactly what she's thinking but she can also read me. I think back 12 1/2 years ago when I first got her - in the first two weeks she was able to take off on me where I was chasing her around the neighborhood - it has NEVER HAPPEN SINCE - as I had to become SMARTER than her. It definately takes a different kind of mind-set when dealing w/ a Basenji. I did take my basenji to doggie school which I feel was extremely beneficial- it trained ME how to deal w/ her- lol. Keeping them active is so important - I walk my dog three times a day for a total of 3-5 miles per day. This keeps her stimulated, active, and out in the fresh air. I would hate anyone not to experience the love and satisfaction of having a Basenji but I think they must understand the work and commitment of owning such a a regal breed. It's not fair to the dog unless you're willing to give 110%!

  • @giza1 I was not assuming anything. She stated that she had seen a Dog on the Internet and based upon that she wanted to get one. I wanted to be sure she did her homework as these little Homewreckers are quite a handful for those that have no experience with them. I would hate for her to get a Puppy and not be able to deal with all the Stubborn, Take No Prisoners, Refusal to Negotiate aspects of the breed. All of that is exactly why I love the Breed. I had mine for 16 years and we went on a lot of adventures together.

    They are Fabulous Dogs for those who can deal with that Personality!


  • @eeeefarm Not only was your Dog gorgeous but the Horse is too! You are clearly a fantastic Animal Steward! Continued happiness for you and yours!


  • @antigone said in Meeting a Basenji:

    @giza1 I was not assuming anything. She stated that she had seen a Dog on the Internet and based upon that she wanted to get one.

    He didn't say she saw one and wanted it. He said "found out about Basenjis online and fell in love. " Found out about, and likely researched. I had never personally met a Samoyed when I decided they were a good fit. Yes, I knew people with them, but our decision was made from researching and reading and discussing with owners and breeders.

    They wisely want to meet them.

    Nothing in the post indicates her level of experience... so yeah, you made assumptions. And from that told them not to get a basenji.

  • @debradownsouth I did no such thing. Seeing a Dog or any animal on the Internet is not enough info to just think the animal is for you. I said to do their homework and research the Breed. After they do the research then they can make an informed decision. How many of these Dogs end up as Owner Surrenders in Rescue? Chew on that for a minute and recall that inexperienced people usually dump the Dog.

  • @antigone said in Meeting a Basenji:

    @debradownsouth I did no such thing. Seeing a Dog or any animal on the Internet is not enough info to just think the animal is for you. I said to do their homework and research the Breed. After they do the research then they can make an informed decision.

    Yeah, you did :::@antigone said in Meeting a Basenji:
    I would tell her to not get a Basenji as it a not a good idea. She can look for another Breed which may be more appropriate for her level of experience.::

    How many of these Dogs end up as Owner Surrenders in Rescue? Chew on that for a minute and recall that inexperienced people usually dump the Dog.<

    Basenji rescue has a really limited number of dogs, in fact. Older dogs, sick dogs, not many young ones. While it could be many who surrender dogs in general may be inexperienced, I find no research and it isn't my experience. People who view pets as throwaways dump their pets.

  • I must agree that naive, first-time wanne-be owners need to do deep, extensive research. Basenjis are supremely unique and definitely not a good choice for a "beginner."
    I adopted an 18-month old 3/4 Basenji (other 1/4 is Min Pin, yet another quirky little breed, with some "bad" similarities to B's). I was somewhat familiar with B's, but not even a little bit of "enough!!" Gosh, Izzy-Bella was a piperoo!! A little 18 pound bundle of energy, destruction, and escapism. BUT, I have always loved bad boys (9 years working in a high school), so a little bad girl was a sort of delight. But, again, it takes many years before these dogs mellow out and mature and maximize their amazing intelligence. Izzy is SO SO smart: her early unbridled destructiveness has pretty much ended, and now, at ten years old, she amazes us every day with her intelligence, innate understanding, observational skills, language acumen, and comedic skills. And at ten years old, she acts like a three year old! I hope this means she will live forever.
    Once you have bonded with a Basenji, you are probably done and gone. But
    first-timers REALLY need to do their research and homework.
    Someone referred to entrusting their dog
    to a family member. I would entrust my B to nobody except a bona fide Vet hospital/kennel, with big-time fences and enclosures, B's are exceptional diggers-under-fences and escape artists. And a Number One cause of
    death for them is traffic. Their prey instinct sends them careening into
    traffic. Dumber than deer.
    But, bottom line: do your due diligence Basenji research, and understand early on that these dogs are singularly unique: indescribably destructive; escape artists; independent thinkers and behaviorists; smarter than you can even begin to imagine (I swear my Izzy understands everything I say and reads my mind!); and prepare to have lots of tissues on hand as auxiliary food, because apparently, Basenjis require wood pulp
    projects to prosper!! I don't get it.

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    Nice boy, have fun as they grow so fast. My Kaiser is now 9 months and time has gone really fast . Jolanda and Kaiser
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    I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you had responded. I thought I'd get an email. Zoey is definately NOT good off leash. It would be great to find a fenced areaā€¦I know there is a dog park (with a small dog area) near me, but I don't know how you feel about driving. (I've commuted for years, so I'm used to it). I could probably call Bear Mountian the park to see if they allow dogs. I'm working tomorrow, but I'll try to find out on Tuesday. Also, there is some sort of an event in Woodstock, NY (beautiful town), sponsored by the Rip Van Winkle Basenji Club. I am totally new to all of this stuff, so I'm not sure what goes on there, but here is a link....I thought you might be interested. If I'm not working I may go just to check it out.
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