Train a Basenji "not" to eat things?… doubtful.... but keeping things out of the way is about the only way... and I would guess it will come out, was it a plastic one? Wrapped in paper? It would have usually been the paper she was after... again.. if worried, there is the Proxide method...
Ditto….you can train a leave-it command for when you are in the same room and the dog starts to go for something they are not allowed to have...but once you leave the room, all bets are off. I would say that is one REALLY pervasive thing about Basenjis that is different than other dogs. A lot of dogs when you teach them something is a "leave it" they remember forever, and won't even think about trying to get it when your back is turned. But if you think about "basenjis are actually cats" in this situation...think about trying to train a cat not to go for something when you arent' home? unlikely.
I am guessing the straw will come out. It is pretty flexible, even if it unfolds, and it probably isn't sharp enough to do much damage...and chances are she probably chewed it up real well...after your husband had (??? of course she ate it...she probably watched him! ). But be on the lookout for it coming out...and also for any signs of impaction...fever, lethargy, throwing up, no eating.