My neighbors sweet Gi Gi is desperate…
eeeefarm - Of course you are correct about diabetes, I did forget to add that if spilling sugar, blood work is need to determine if sugar is high in the blood also.
As far as you statement about breeding, as not to hijack this thread, see -
Poor little Gi Gi. Gi Gi's neighbor, you're right to be concerned. While there are many things it could be– Fanconi, diabetes, Cushings, age-related renal failure-- the fact that she is a Basenji displaying these symptoms means you should strip test for Fanconi. Bayer Diastix cost about $13 and can be found on Amazon or If Gi Gi is spilling glucose in her urine, then your neighbor will need to get blood gases ASAP to see if there is glucose in the blood as well. This will direct your vet toward Fanconi or diabetes. Cushings usually has other obvious symptoms that you don't mention.
I don't mean to alarm you, but every day counts. By the time a Fanconi dog is symptomatic, she has had the disease for a good while, with the symptoms steadily progressing. Peeing the bed is pretty far down the road. But Fanconi, while terrible, isn't a death sentence. I have a Fanconi dog, and he's been doing well for more than eight years. We caught it early through strip testing and have been managing it with Dr. Gonto's protocol. Some kidney damage is irreversible, so it's crucial to stop further damage by treating the dog. Hopefully, your neighbor has already strip tested Gi Gi and will have blood gases and a full blood panel done right away. That will tell her whether or not Gi Gi has Fanconi and, if so, how compromised her kidneys are. I wish the best for Gi Gi and those who love her!
You need to ask the vet if there was glucose in the urine if there was a urine test done. If the vet has not done a urine test one needs to be done ASAP. If there is glucose in the urine, then a fasting blood test needs to be done to test for a high glucose blood test result. If the blood test for glucose is normal then it is Fanconi and if the blood test for glucose is high then it is Diabetes. If Fanconi, go to the link that tanza provided and that will give you what will need to be done next which is a venous blood gas test. I would suggest changing vets to someone who is familiar with Fanconi. You can join the Fanconidogs group on Yahoo Groups.
Fanconi is not a death sentence! My girl has been living with Fanconi for about 6-7 years and is now 13 years old and is doing great on the protocol.
The best news now is that with the direct test… we can rid our breed of Fanconi by being responsible breeders and "buyers" and not buying from a breeder that is not DNA testing with the direct test. Yes, there are ones out there that can and will develope Fanconi.. but as each year passes, the number grows smaller.
This poster didn't say how long this has been going on or what the strip testing has shows.. that is the tell tale sign... if spilling sugar in the urine it IS Fanconi and easy enough to rule out Fanconi with the strip test..... I wish that this for this girl is not the caseHi Pat, I saw Marcie tonight and gave her ALL the great help you have provided. I also gave her the www. and I'm sure she will be on soon. At least she has solid direction now. BLESS YOU ALL!!!
Michelle Gi Gi's buddy -
Hello, I am gigi mom. I did the Diastix test twice and it came back negative. The vet ran a full body function blood the only thing postive is hypo thyroid which I am reading basenji need a different test, is that correct? G is still peeing in the bed and during the day. drinking a lot of water and my vet seems to be pretty slow at responding. This is a new mobile vet I am using and I made a call to him yesterday telling him I would like more testing done. I am hoping to get a return call by tomorrow. Any suggestions. I just want girl to feel better soon. I want to be able to get her the help she needs. Is there a possiblity that this is just old age. Could anyone recommend any other testing?
Sounds like you need a vet who will help you through this. There are plenty of good ones in Orange County. I suppose it could be an age-related renal condition (old kidneys), though 10 is on the young side for that. Were her renal values (BUN and CREA) not high? Did your vet check for Cushings? There are thyroid tests you can do that are not part of the full blood panel– a T4 or FT4 or a half dozen others, depending on your test results. She could even have a UTI, unless a urinalysis ruled that out?
I would ask for a copy of all test results and find a more responsive vet to help figure out what's wrong with Gigi. If the Diastix was negative for sugar, you need to look in other directions and rule out other possibilities. Good luck! I'm wishing the best for you and Gigi.